Food has been at the centre of my life for as long as I can remember. My grandmothers cooked many memorable and everyday meals and when I think of either of them, there is often food in the picture in my mind. Dinners at home were prepared by my parents, with my dad often taking on Sunday dinners and the weekly homemade soups. Some of my 'go to' comfort foods include meals both Mom and Dad made. Food was such a part of family life. When at university as a undergrad, I found the sciences most intriguing, and found myself drawn to biochemistry. I thought long and hard on this route and in second year decided that I wanted a job after a degree without having to go to graduate school. So, I transferred to a nutrition degree program. I also learned years later, that one should never say never, since I've been to grad school twice now. <smile>
While I loved biochem, as I moved further into my career and off to grad school for the first time, I knew that I wasn't cut out to be a lab researcher so I moved into the community health field and haven't really looked back. I love questions that deal with making healthy choices the easy choices, ensuring access to food for all people, and understanding how mass media both shapes and reflects our food choice behaviours. Without food at the centre of my life, I'd not have found this field for which I have such passion. So, I am a dietitian, but I am also a foodie, and there really are a lot of us out there <smile>. We are not the food police as we are sometimes portrayed. Our goal is to facilitate a healthier life through many lifestyle factors including food.
The selection today mentions food a bit. <smile> Enjoy!
Food Glorious Food -- Oliver! original movie cast
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