Sunday, 23 March 2014

Day 82 -- snow, sun, & spring

What a fun afternoon!  After getting the final laundry load in, I moved the snow from last night so it wouldn't freeze into ice tonight. Then I went for a walk out to the bank and the drug store. The sun was amazing and even though there was a new cover of snow on the ground, the sidewalks and roads were clear -- a sure sign that the ground is warming <smile>.  I also felt a bit better today so walking was a delight.

When I returned home, I felt energized and pulled out the vacuum before finishing the next set of grading. Amazing how wonderful the weather made me feel today <smile>. I didn't get to everything on the weekend 'to do' list, but I did get some larger important tasks done. I still need a day for cooking to fill the deep freeze so I eat well while grading the term assignments and final exams, but that should occur in fits and starts over the next couple weeks. There is a storm in the offing the meteorologists tell us, but for today, I'm happy with the outdoors.

My selection today was a phrase that I heard while out walking this afternoon -- a happy, upbeat sound. Enjoy!

Walking on sunshine -- Katrina and The Waves

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