Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Day 77 -- disappearing time

Today I took a long hard look at the calendar to ensure that my math was actually correct. It seems that I have 7 classes left in one course and 6 left in the other course. There is more information to present and discuss than that time may allow. I know I've asked this before, but where exactly does the time go? It isn't that I don't plan for the courses and lectures, but having two courses that I have never taught before, makes it a bit trickier to estimate how long each major component will take. The courses will turn out fine, but it now means that I can't be the tangential person that I often am but instead will need to stay on track.

I couldn't help thinking of the surreal nature of time today as I began to envision Dali's melting clocks. As a concept it is not an easy one to get one's head around. Of course, the theory of relativity and the idea of time travel are complex, but perhaps we take the 24 hours each day for granted as a simple concept. Our 'to do' lists always seem greater than the time we allot to the tasks. Is this really because we just don't learn how long things really take, or is it that time moves at different paces at different times? We can get 'lost in time' when we are engrossed in a particularly interesting task -- when it feels that we just sat down to begin and yet hours have passed. For other less exciting tasks, the time seems to go by in super-slow motion. Do we need to add a better mix of the slow- and fast-time tasks to the list to make it more achievable? Hmmm.

Today the selection does mention where time goes -- though this theory may have us constantly scrambling to catch up with time <smile>. Enjoy!

Fly Like an Eagle -- Steve Miller Band

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