Thursday, 31 December 2015

Day 2 - 363 --Not 'Just" Anything

The penultimate day of 2015 -- spent at a grocery store that had many empty shelves, cooking a mediocre veggie dish for a wonderful supper with friends. For me, the accent lies heavily on that last word <smile>.  It is always pleasant and often quite relaxing to get out among people for a social event. Dinner was wonderful -- ham and scalloped potatoes, spinach and strawberry salad, warm beet and chard salad, and sautéed zucchini and eggplant with sticky toffee pudding for dessert. All very yummy.

As the year end approaches, there are several items that I always want to have done. So, tomorrow will see the completion of the yearly bookkeeping, cleaning of the house, and preparation of something to heat and eat for New Year's Day. My grandmother often said that what we do on the first day of the New Year is what we will be doing all year long -- trust me, I don't want that to be cleaning or accounting <grin>.  Granted, this is a superstition of sorts, but I often recognize how these little things creep into my daily thinking <smile>.  It could be that it is a tradition, since cleaning makes sense if company is expected for a holiday visit. Those who celebrate the lunar new year obtain new clothes, fresh flowers and updated household items prior to that New Year's Day. The stores are wall to wall customers. I was in Hong Kong once, flying out on the New Year. The four of us had to hold onto each others coats when crossing the street since there were hundreds of people heading in each direction. Everyone was out finding all those new items to usher in the New Year. Kai Tak Airport on lunar New Year's Day was a story unto itself, since everyone takes a couple weeks off and flies off to see relatives. All flights were overbooked and they tried their best to get us rerouted through Tokyo rather than direct to Vancouver. We stood our ground. That flight was the worst I've been on, with the many flight attendants holed up in the galley for hours without offering water or anything. Again, both of those adventures are for another blog. <smile>

The song for today is one that I've found to mean many things depending on my mood. This year, as in others, I do take issue with the word 'just' in the lyrics. No day should be thought of as 'just' anything. Each one is a gift and different from any other. They are unique and we shouldn't lose sight of that. On the other hand, the title could mean that there isn't a need to go out for a big bash to usher in a new year. Or, it could mean so many other things. I'll share it here so that you each can reflect on the lyrics and discover your own meaning (that is the postmodernist in me shining through <gg>). Enjoy!

It's Just Another New Year's Eve -- Barry Manilow

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Day 2 - 362 -- A Stunning Musical Evening

The day was spent in mundane pursuits. The highlight of the day was unexpected. I chose to watch the Kennedy Center Honours -- and wow, just wow. There was music everywhere! Miss Cecely Tyson, who sang in The Trip to Bountiful on Broadway and did so many stunning performances in film and television, was clearly enjoying the performances on the stage. In particular, a youth choir from a program named for her, performed the hymn she'd sung in the play. Beautiful. Rita Moreno was honoured for her acting and musical career. She is perhaps best known for her breakout role in West Side Story, that presented the social oppression of Puerto Rican immigrants. George Lucas was honoured and one speaker noted that he loved music and had found a way for music to be a character of sorts in film. Very true. Star Wars or Indiana Jones without the music would be far less. Seiji Ozawa, famed conductor, has lived music his entire life. Yo Yo Ma played Tchaikovsky for him and it was stellar. The final honouree of the evening was Carole King -- and for her, music has been at the centre of her life. Parts of the musical biography play were shown and she was truly surprised by who showed up on stage and moved to tears with images of her mother. The culmination of the evening was the final song written by Goffin and King (with Wexler). From the wings came Aretha Franklin, who sat down at the piano and began to sing. She rocked the song. I urge you to Google the performance -- it brought tears to even the president's eyes. Considering I'd waffled on whether to watch or not, I'm so glad something directed me to this event. Simply stunning.

All of the honourees are strong role models for aging adults -- not sitting in rockers and handing things over to others to carry on. Aged 71-91, these folks are still active in their fields and in advocacy for a better world. I'm sure these stories will find their way into my Nutrition and Aging class when we talk about 'what is old' <smile>. The definition is definitely changing.  The song for today comes from the awards program. It closed out the evening in a giant sing along <g>.This version was the one I listened to a lot -- and loved the singer and her Telemachus on the cover. Enjoy!

I Feel the Earth Move -- Carole King

Monday, 28 December 2015

Day 2 - 361 -- winter displays no subtlety

It has been a busy day filled with physical and mental labours. It began with the need to clear away the overnight snow fall. Now, I did move 6 inches yesterday and there was more than that again today -- likely about 8 inches, but I didn't have my ruler handy <smile>.  The ploughs had left schmutz at the end of the drive and across the boulevard. The sidewalk plough dug up clods of grass and dirt that made moving the wet snow in that area almost impossible. It took two hands to lift and disentangle the grassy lumps in order to resume shovelling.

After my adventures in snow land, I worked on course prep for next week. The syllabi and readings for the first week need to be up on the course web site by the weekend. I also typed up two reviews for journals. There is much more to do to get myself ready to tackle the courses with new texts and readings -- change is a good thing, but it can be somewhat disruptive. Something like this silly weather.

After supper, the garbage had to go to the curb and the car needed to be cleared off so that it is ready to go for repairs tomorrow. So, I cleared off the foot or more of snow covering the vehicle, then used the shovel to re-clear the ground where it had all fallen. I also had to remove an extra inch of snow that had fallen after my earlier snow moving session. Luckily, the snow was light and fluffy as the temperatures had dropped by early evening. It was brisk -- that seems to be the usual word for bracing cold. It was actually pleasant and the air had that colder temperature smell to it. So -- the weather forecast does say more is on the way and there will be rain or something like it mixed into the next storm. That should arrive tomorrow evening. It seems that there is great trepidation in the populace; it is just too soon after the harshness of the ice and snow of last winter.

I will admit that I thought long and hard about being somewhere else earlier today while shovelling. It seems early to be cranky, but each of the next five days carries with it a snow-like icon on the weather forecast. I was thinking that maybe if winter had eased us into this, it might be easier to handle. I'm not sure even that would satisfy me. So -- a few lines from the song of the day came clearly and purposively to mind as I worked away at the snow. I do love the harmonies of this group and this song showcases these quite well. One of them was even a kid from north end Halifax so he knew winters <smile>. Enjoy!

California Dreamin' -- The Mamas and The Papas

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Day 2 - 360 -- Shifting Biomechanics

Well, it's official. Winter has arrived. Snow fell overnight and throughout the day. About 15 cm (~ 6 inches) accumulated by mid-afternoon. Another 2+ inches are expected into tomorrow. Tuesday will bring more with estimates ranging from 10-20 cm (4-8 inches) as that storm begins Tuesday and runs into Wednesday, with a mix of rain and snow to follow on Thursday. We'll see how that all turns out. What today did bring was the second time this season that I shovelled snow, and there was considerably more this time than last.

Learning to shovel again will be interesting. The usual rhythm and movements used my whole life seem to need some tweeking. The left arm does not extend to be fully 'flat' so lifting and dumping snow hurts if I attempt to extend the arm as it has always moved. Lifting is easier if the shovel handle is grasped with my palm facing downwards instead of upwards. This, though, may be due to the work we are still doing on the triceps muscle. The snow was all moved though it took a wee bit longer than the old normal. It isn't anything that can't be dealt with. Training an old brain to develop new pathways of neuronal firing will be challenging, but I expect it should work -- likely by the end of the season. I would not complain loudly though, should there be less snow to practice upon this winter <smile>.

The end of the month and the year will be here before we have time to realize it. It has felt like a long month and ending with winter weather and shorter days only add to that feeling, I suspect. This, of course, reminded me of a song <surprise!> -- one with lyrics that wander about through many events and ideas, yet note the passing of time. Enjoy!

A Long December -- Counting Crows

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Day 2 - 359 -- Boxing Day

Today is Boxing Day. This day began as the day servants and other workers received gifts from employers -- gifts in boxes. Sadly, like many other holidays it has become a day of excess and consumerism with Boxing Day sales now starting even before Christmas. Not all stores were open today, but will be open for the sales tomorrow. I dislike the crowds of people looking for a 'bargain' that is close to a 'steal' -- sometimes grabbing things out of the hands of others <sigh>. I've gone out on the 27th or 28th for necessities and have looked at the picked over piles of holiday items and have been known to take home an item or two mainly cards and wrapping. It seems that the day has moved from a day of giving to a day of avarice -- everything that yesterday did not stand for -- looking out for number one instead of caring for others.

I often feel that this day is a bit of a let down after all the scurrying about making ready for the one day celebration. The marketing hype that starts to build in October suddenly is over and can leave a lost feeling. I've often saved a gift to open on boxing day, just to help with that lack of direction. It does help. I spent the day cleaning and had planned to watch a movie or two. I did catch up on some recorded series -- The Doctor Who season finale and the Christmas special were particularly exciting, with unexpected twists and turns. <smile>  The exhaustion of the past weeks -- from work and holiday prep -- seems to have caught up to me. I felt I could sleep each time I sat down today. I'm hoping a few days of sleeping until I wake up instead of setting an alarm will help me to get myself back together for the next round known as the winter academic term <smile>.

For the selection today, the song title really doesn't reflect the origins of the day, though it might indicate the less than charitable behaviour amongst shoppers.<grin>  Enjoy!

The Boxer -- Simon and Garfunkel

Day 2 - 358 -- Bright Sunny Warm December Day

What a gorgeous day it has been.  The sun shone brightly through the day with temperatures reaching about 15C during the early afternoon. I walked to a friend's for supper, something that wouldn't generally occur. Coming home was lovely -- a peaceful 20 minute journey on a cooler evening with a large Christmas moon. They tell us that moon won't happen again for another 19 years. Given the regularity of overcast skies in the maritimes, seeing the moon tonight meant a lot.

I spoke with family by phone early today, then cooked a new recipe for dinner tonight. Trying something new when others will be eating it carries a bit of extra stress. I'm happy to report that it turned out wonderfully. Brussels sprouts separated into leaves and wilted with shallots, prosciutto, garlic and some pimentos. It turned out well and I will be making it in the future. Being green with the red pimento made it a perfect dish for Christmas dinner. <smile> Dinner with friends made the day extra-special -- so much conversation and laughter to add to the great foods and wine. All in all, a totally yummy day.

I listened to Christmas music as I walked up and back today. I even found myself singing as I walked along the street. (I will admit to feeling offended when others do this <smile>). The joy, peace and calm of the day are feelings that I'd like to capture to take forward into all other days. I suppose that is what memories are for, yet, having the populace maintaining these feelings en masse might make life easier to bear some days. The songs shared today deal with the day and the desire to hang onto the positive emotions. The video for the first uses some odd artwork choices and the second uses Spanish subtitles. The audio quality was best on these two, so I suggest listening rather than viewing for these two. Enjoy!

For unto you this night -- Garth Brooks

If Everyday was Like Christmas -- Elvis Presley

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Day 2 - 357 -- Twas the night before . . .

Well -- I managed a few further Christmas related tasks. Wrapped gifts to take out tomorrow and made two batches of cookies. The latter are all iced and drying in the kitchen. I tried a new recipe -- a spiced sugar cookie -- have been messing with this recipe for a couple years and I think it might almost be there this year. We'll see after things sit for a couple days to 'cure'.  The other recipe was a version of oat cakes. I used Christmas design cutters and stencils to decorate most of these. There are about 5 dozen, so they will be used when I visit others. Any leftovers will head to the freezer to stop me from eating quite as many -- it makes one more mindful to have to walk downstairs to the deep freezer to get a cookie <smile>. I read the two Christmas books that have become tradition -- A Bush Nativity -- a children's book about the nativity among the fauna of  the outback of Australia. The other is A Wish for Wings that Worked by Berkeley Breathed -- with Opus as the key character. This is also a children's book but has a lot to say to adults as well. All that finished and I am relaxing in bed with Love Actually. And, according to NORAD Santa has been through town already.

The song chosen carries the sentiment that I was thinking of throughout the day -- the chorus lyrics ran through my head while I was scurrying around. Happy holidays. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas Everybody -- Train

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Day 2 - 356 -- Reconnecting at the Holidays

I got off to a slow start today -- so tired, I kept falling asleep after the alarm alerted me to the new day. Some less than pleasant news in the afternoon that delayed my plans for the day -- again not horrific, but it was put into perspective when a distant acquaintance sat beside me and told me the stresses their family is in the midst of. Another to add to the positive vibes list. That reminded me of a conversation I'd had last night, when a friend noted that people like us tend not to talk to people but rather are the ones that people open up to. How true. So, I did manage to get some of the veggies and fruits needed for the big dinner and beyond. Several store shelves were empty, though, and the store was packed with people. Seems this is the busiest shopping day of the year -- Silly me, heading out thinking the trip for a dozen items would take an hour <g>. No cookie work done today as planned, which leaves more for tomorrow <smile>.

The day ended with a wonderful evening at the local pub -- a real neighbourhood pub just down the street from me. It was an evening of visiting and catching up with friends from Halifax who were 'home' for the holidays. I love this part of the holidays -- that reconnecting. Meeting with friends or family in person or by phone is a wonderful way to feel connected during this frenetic time. I look forward to further visits in the coming week.

The lyrics of a song seemed to fit my foray into the holiday season and bring the feeling of gratitude to the fore. Love this singer. This if from his early days. Watch for the shoes <grin>. Enjoy!

Step into Christmas -- Elton John

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Day 2 - 355 -- A Gift for the World

First term courses are officially over for another year -- grades calculated and entered. Tomorrow will be several errands needed before Christmas and then I hope to be doing some cooking and baking and maybe watching a favourite movie or two. My two favourite holiday movies are Love, Actually and White Christmas. They are part of every holiday season along with A Christmas Carol <smile>.  It was cold this morning, but warming a bit through the day with rain overnight -- temps still just around freezing, so ice pellets may make an appearance. Christmas should be double digits so it will be a green Christmas. It made me happy that the weather was going to cooperate with travellers as several colleagues headed out this afternoon.

While being buried in grading, I didn't mention one of the gifts the world has been given this year. The signing of the COP21 agreement by 195 nations is the best chance we have to begin to seriously address climate change as a global community. It will need attention to move the plans into action, but it is better than any other accord we've tried. The messages from advocacy organizations have been positive and hopeful.(David Suzuki Foundation, Pembina Institute, Environmental Defence Canada, World Wildlife Fund, Equiterre, International Institute for Sustainable Development, among others). Parts of the agreement are binding, while others are voluntary. All nations together can ensure we move things in the right direction -- together -- meaning we all must do our part. The first plans have a 90 day timeline, so something will begin to occur in the planning and change process by March 11/16. Let's work to ensure this doesn't become one of those gifts that looks great in the package, but breaks shortly after it is taken out into the real world. <smile>

While working with all the numbers earlier today, the iPod popped out a Christmas song that seemed to fit what I was feeling -- we are all in this together and need to work together to help those needing assistance -- or to help this little blue planet that we all call home. It may sound a bit bubble-gum - like, but the sentiment of the lyrics is meaningful. While it is a Christmas song, the concept is one that should fit into each and every day. Enjoy!

Christmas is My Time of Year -- Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, & Peter Tork

Day 2 - 354 -- Carbohydrate Craving

The grading has been finished with some further calculations to do tomorrow when my brain is a bit more functional. It is midnight and I've been at this since 8 AM today. This binge-like behaviour can't be good. that said, I'm off to bed shortly -- after a bedtime snack of chai and something with sugar. I do need to do some baking in the next couple of days -- a bit for me and the rest to share.

The song today deals with the need for sweets that comes with being tired and a bit stressed <smile>. It is a silly little song that makes me smile. Enjoy!

Christmas Cookies -- George Strait

Monday, 21 December 2015

Day 2 - 353 -- Just in time for Winter

A very long day of nothing but grading resulted in finishing about one-third of the exam. The few times I looked outside, I saw snow falling and later snow covered ground and walkways. It has been colder -- can even feel that inside today. We are headed for a warm up and likely the disappearance of the snow. I did have a few lines run through my head today from a holiday song. It is one that I heard a lot as a child. It just seemed to suit the day -- and this may be the only chance for this event to occur this year. Enjoy!

Caroling, Caroling -- Nat King Cole

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Day 2 - 352 -- Time for the Blues?

The past couple of days have been interesting -- not sure what other word to use. Remember the Chinese curse -- "May you live in interesting times."? I've been feeling 'off' -- I haven't been able to label the feeling -- hurt, anger, disappointment, betrayal, disillusionment, defeat or many other possible terms -- or a combination of several feelings perhaps. It is unclear if my discontent comes from a lack of sleep, too many working hours, or the holiday season. Generally, the latter doesn't create difficulties -- I like Christmas and New Year celebrations. But, many firsts do occur. I'm uncertain if I my feelings are from external forces acting upon me or if they are from inside me -- so there is no clear focal point that seems to be causing this -- instead there seem to be many smaller bits at play. Hopefully, with some rest, food, good movies and time to socialize, things will become clearer or at least less nebulous.

This reminded me of a concept that a friend shared with me. At a conference, she'd heard of 'micro-burdens.' The term was in reference to additional administrative tasks being downloaded to non-admin folks -- creating a sub-mid level manager, if you will. Many smaller burdens seem to have the impact of a few larger burdens -- the influence being additive or even multiplicative. Perhaps this concept can refer to admin items and all the other day-to-day 'burdens' that appear and disappear through life. Alone they pose a disruption, but bound together at the same point in time, they become explosive. As the old adage states, "the straw that broke the camel's back." So, while the term 'micro-burden' may be newish, the concept has been around for a very long time.

When choosing a song to share today, I thought of the blues, since I believe what I am experiencing could be called a 'blue funk'. <smile>  Several ideas came to mind, but one returned repeatedly, so it won the honour of gracing the blog today. I love the smoothness of the singer's voice -- always have -- one my mother's favourites. Enjoy!

The Christmas Blues -- Dean Martin

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Day 2 - 351 -- Holiday Music Everywhere

Life seems busy and time is moving quicker than me and my infamous 'to do' list -- we are not keeping up with plans <smile>.  More exams arriving in a couple hours followed by many more hours of grading. I did get up some small decorations in the house -- linens, table cloth, door hangers and got a fresh wreath for the front of the house. So -- things are moving in the right direction. Baking and other preparations will need to wait until Wednesday or late Tuesday if grading goes well and grade entry poses no difficulties.

I have been listening to Christmas songs while working and the music is everywhere one shops, of course <grin>.  Social media is also taking it to the cyber streets. One Canadian (a Montreal Canadien to be more precise <g>) began a Twitter force -- #CanadaCarols and when he did this he challenged a very high profile Canadian. Today I share the response to that call out -- Enjoy!

Jingle Bells -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau

Friday, 18 December 2015

Day 2 - 350 -- Seasonal Snow Wishes

I was up late grading last night and awake earlier than I wanted, to grade all day and evening. I've managed to get the first exam grading completed. Several hours still await the course grade calculations and entry into a quirky software program <smile>. Those will wait until tomorrow. Well -- later today actually, as I look at the clock.  There was sunshine between clouds a few times today, but little fell from the sky. The forecast is for warming temps and rain overnight and tomorrow. It will be good to get out to the grocery store before the next exam and next weather change.

As I was grading, I recalled things I've heard every year for as long as I can remember. I've often wondered why people make such statements. The general format is "I hope we get snow for Christmas" or "I love snow on Christmas Eve." Beyond the Hollywood romanticizing of snow falling gently in movies, I'm not sure I fully understand this. I've never had to drive to visit family on Christmas -- they lived within a few blocks of my childhood home. Other family and friends often had to drive a few hours down the highway for dinner and then back in the evening. Even that softly falling snow can create issues when travelling. So, why this is a wish always baffles me. Then, I've often heard the wish for snow is just to see it in the air in the evening, but not to have anything accumulate for after the one day. Merchants say that without snow, people don't spend as much over the holidays -- 'they're just not in the mood.' Again, this seems illogical <smile>. Perhaps they are not over-spending, or they are buying online and not at the mall? Much of the world manages Christmas without snow and even in the Maritimes, there is only a 50% chance of a white Christmas. To be honest, the day is Christmas regardless of the weather. It is so much more than frozen water on the ground, trees, cars, and such. Just something I'm trying to work through to understand it better.

There really is only one song that fits this little rant today <smile>. The song has been sung by many, including in a favourite Christmas movie of mine. The version I chose to share here today has a very different tempo than the movie version. Enjoy!

White Christmas -- The Drifters

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Day 2 - 349 -- Hope for Peace

It was a full day -- a morning exam and an afternoon getting other grading completed before having to cloister myself to get the exams graded. There are still a couple of major items that need to be read or written before next week, but exams take precedence over almost everything -- Christmas shopping, baking or just trying to get some decent sleep <smile>. I have almost 3 days to finish this one before the next one arrives on Saturday. I did get the first section of two questions completed tonight. The next 2 days will be non-stop marking, and there likely will still be some left for earlier on Saturday.

For some reason I was reminded of a poem by Longfellow that spoke about the need for a kinder, gentler world. It likely came to me after waking to the news today -- not that  today was different than other days, but I suspect that planted the seed in a half-awake brain early today. This led me to the song that is based on that poem. Several renditions exist, but the original version  is still my favourite. Newer melodies and rhythms simply don't do it justice. They seem to fancy it up and take away from the words with the key message of hope for change. So, I'm going with a singer from the distant past for this one. Enjoy!

I heard the bells on Christmas Day -- Bing Crosby

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Day 2 - 348 -- Not Ready for Winter

Ice pellets fell this morning. I walked out to pick up printing around noon and rain and ice pellets were falling as I walked -- but mostly rain. It was light, but my gloves were quite wet when I got back and the jeans were slightly damp.  In early afternoon, I walked out to the dentist. The precipitation had turned to ice pellets and the east wind had strengthened. It was like mother nature's facial -- I'm sure I lost a layer of skin walking into that mess. The winds were stronger on the return trip -- blowing me along through the ice pellet accumulation on the sidewalks. The roads were less slippery to walk on than the cement sidewalks. I needed to drop exam copies at the accessible learning office for the final tomorrow morning. The printing was rather heavy, so I chose to take the car up to campus for the delivery. The roads were very wet -- pools of water in the gutters and ice pellets in the centre of the road. Not too slippery for driving -- just needed caution. Luckily, many people were driving with care rather than using their 'summer driving' muscles.

Even inside the house, it feels chilly. The dampness, winds and near freezing temperatures add to the cold. This is the sort of day that a nice warm bath would be wonderful -- relaxing and warming. It wouldn't help the sore mouth, though. Its been almost 2 years since I had my teeth cleaned. Generally we do this every 6 months. Each time I had an appointment made I was sick -- flu, sinus, cold, and arm surgery. I kept trying with a new date, and something unexpected would arise. Very weird. I don't dislike going to the dentist -- this office is great. Chewing creates some pain this evening and will last for a few days. I often use a sensitive tooth paste for two weeks before an appointment. Today they had a cancellation, so I didn't get to do that routine ahead of time. Good news for the day -- teeth, gums, fillings and bone all looking good. <smile>

I will admit to saying the first line from a holiday song several times today <smile>. I don't want winter to show up too soon; I'd be happy if it didn't really show up at all. I refused to say the title of the song with the happy melody in my mind. So, I chose this parody to share instead. Enjoy!

Let it Snow -- Captain Jean Luc Picard

Monday, 14 December 2015

Day 2 - 347 -- Storms Brewing

 Monday -- the calm before the storm -- literally and figuratively. I managed to get through some of the work that needs to be done by Wednesday morning. Still many things need to occur before the onslaught of exams that begins with one course final Wednesday morning. Much must occur tomorrow to get me ready to grade like a mad woman so the first course is done before the larger second course writes on Saturday. In meteorological news, "something wicked this way comes." That is about as clear as the predicted type(s) of precipitation we have at present. There will be snow, rain, ice pellets and freezing rain (likely groppel in the mix, too). What is iffy is how much of each will be visited on the different areas of the region. Something will start overnight and then likely a less frozen variety during the day tomorrow. We'll see.  Knowing this was in the offing, after work I went to get the key grocery items needed. There are a few items that would be nice to have, from a different store, so I'll decide on that trip once the weather situation is clearer tomorrow.

I'm hoping that by evening tomorrow, I can do some 'want to do' stuff such as baking cookies and gingerbread cake. I do want to get some things made at home, but if time doesn't work, I can buy a few things from a local bakery and wait to bake for Julian Christmas <smile>. I'm hoping to get to use the newest stencil-cookie cutter to join the baking paraphernalia this year -- a Christmas tree.

A song that came to mind today is a favourite holiday song. The a cappella style is unusual for this group as is the musical genre. This is a traditional holiday Spanish folk song. Also, I love that this shows the vocal skills of these young men (well, young back then <g>).  Enjoy!

Riu Chiu -- The Monkees

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Day 2 - 346 -- Tree Lights

Several 'to do' list items were completed but not everything that had been planned for today. It seems that even when I pare it back, there are still too many items on that blasted list. That said, I did more cooking than I'd planned, though none of that was on the list -- so maybe that's my problem -- leaving things off the list and then doing them <smile>.  I made some Thai turkey burgers for the freezer, individual apple-pear crisps for the coming week, and a huge ratatouille sauté for dinners this week. The tree went up today, with the broken branch out front to avoid further damage to other branches by the furry one who launches himself at a front branch. <smile>  Got the lights on -- all 280 of them (though there is another 70 if need be <g>). I still need to get the angel topper up when I do the wreaths in the next couple days. We'll see if any ornaments make it to the tree this year or not --depends on the furry fellow.

I absolutely love the trees and the lights. As far back as I remember, sitting alone in the dark with the lit tree has been a favourite time of the holiday. Now I love later evening any time -- when the house and neighbourhood becomes quieter and less frenetic. It is a time for relaxation. The addition of the lights brings a feeling of peace and presents an ideal time of reflection.

While adjusting the lights in the darkened room tonight, a verse from a Christmas song rang through my brain. Now, I did share a version of this last year by the first artist to record this song (see Day 354). She sang it every Christmas season on Letterman, and last year was the last time. So, this year, I chose to share a different take on the same song. There was no shortage of covers of this one <smile>. I did choose a male voice with some unexpected harmonies. The lyrics that fit today's activities are in the fourth stanza. Enjoy!

Christmas (baby please come home) -- Lady Antebellum

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Day 2 - 345 -- Background Music

It has been warm today and rained overnight -- though not a bright day due to the clouds. I have oodles to do and yet even though the list holds many things I want to do, there seems to be little 'get up and go' involved today. I want it done -- just seems to be another situation for those elusive elves to assist with. <smile>

While working on the computer, a movie was playing in the background -- Angel's Song. It is a Christmas movie with many musical folks playing parts -- Harry Connick, Jr., Willie Nelson, Lyle Lovett, Kris Kristopherson and oodles more. So, while working I heard a variety of seasonal music sung by many wonderful voices. I stopped when one particular song appeared. It seemed out of place, yet was so wonderfully performed. I chose to share this with you today. The singers voices juxtapose, while their phrasing seems unexpected in places. It seemed a fitting song to share since this year is the fiftieth anniversary of the song's debut. Enjoy!

Christmas Time is Here -- Lyle Lovett with Kat Edmonson & Mitch Watson

Day 2 - 344 -- The New Greeting Mode

The end of another week and two weeks to Christmas. Many meetings occurred today -- some short and some long. Several important e-mails were sent and received. A phone call from a past student brightened the day. The day ended with the building holiday party. It was a wonderful potluck event with amazing food and great conversations. People that I don't get a chance to chat with during work and their spouses and kids all led to fun conversations and updating. It was another successful collegial celebration this year.

At the end of the meeting day, I did some shopping for my own parcel under the tree. It reminds me of a little boy from my past -- he was about 3 and had been told that Santa would bring gifts to good boys and girls. Gifts were placed under the tree closer to Christmas even though the tree was up earlier. Each day he would check to see if there were any new gifts there. A few days went by with no gifts appearing. Later in the evening, the family realized that there was a clumsily wrapped gift under the tree. Upon inspection, it was his favourite toy fire engine wrapped in tissue paper. He had placed his own gift under the tree. I smile whenever I buy something 'for me' for Christmas -- and I do put them in gift bags much like that little fellow did years ago. I know that when I go shopping for others, I always come home with things for me or the house. It really is that I rarely have time to go shopping, so when I do, I purchase gifts for others and find things that had been on the 'need' and 'want' lists for me, too.

The song I chose to share today is a modern take on Christmas greetings. It made me smile and shake my head at the same time. <smile>  It is a different world of communications <grin>. Enjoy!

Text Me Merry Christmas -- Straight No Chaser ft. Kristen Bell

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Day 2 - 343 -- Thinking about Christmas

Today involved some Christmas preparations as I wrapped gifts and got a small box together to mail. The mailing deadline is set as tomorrow, so things for my mother will be out at that point. Cards have another week if within Canada, so those headed to the US will need to be done over the weekend to be in the mail Monday. A group letter of sorts has been written and will be ready to add to the cards. The tree will be put up over the weekend. The furry one gets rather excited by it, so I want to be home for a couple days when it goes up to ensure the tree doesn't 'faint' while I'm at work. <smirk>

I often say that the academic term or Christmas should be moved to ensure everyone has a moment to focus on each of these occurrences. Obviously, this won't happen but finding a way to manage both would be ideal. Tomorrow will be a day of meetings but it will end with an office celebration. I look forward to that. It helps me get my head in the game -- Christmas, that is, and out of the grading and course prep cycle. <smile> 

The song that came to mind today has been covered by many wonderful singers. My favourite is still this recognizable voice. The lyrics tell us that we need to stop rushing about and pay attention to what is all around us. Enjoy! 

Pretty Paper -- Willie Nelson

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Day 2 - 342 -- Caring throughout the year

Awoke with a migraine today. It messed a bit with my thinking during meetings this afternoon. The physio helped with some of the muscle tension that arrived overnight along with the headache. I plan to take things slower tomorrow in hopes that it won't escalate

This evening I visited the local theatre for an annual tradition at this time of year -- a one-man show of A Christmas Carol. Well -- one man and two puppeteers would be more technically correct. <smile>  This was adapted by Jeremy Webb, an actor located in the province, who also starred in this for the past decade. For the first time, a new actor took over the roles -- Rhys Bevan-John. He delivered a stellar performance. His voice and face easily switched between characters. I look forward to seeing him back next year. 

I do love this Dickens story. It clearly reminds us that Christmas isn't just a day of celebration and caring, but should be with us every day of the year. One song came to mind that expressed the concept of caring for others. It is sung by a strong advocate for peace and understanding in the world -- yet was taken from this world through violence. Somehow the song seems to fit well with global events of this year. Enjoy! 

Happy Xmas (War is Over) -- John Lennon ft Yoko Ono, Plastic Ono Band, & Harlem Children's Choir

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Day 2 - 341 -- Generational Dialects

Tired would be the word of the day. Early meetings and late night catch up work leave little time for sleeping it seems. I nearly fell asleep in the waiting room at the MD this afternoon. I had packed some papers to read and then left them in the car, so had very little to keep my brain awake. Nothing major with that visit, just a prescription renewal and check in on the arm.

Thinking of holiday music today had me smiling. I recalled a few fun tunes from long, long ago. One in particular seemed to keep coming to the centre of my thoughts, so it must be the choice of the day -- even it did seem to choose itself <smile>.  The song takes us back to a very different use of language for slang. Each decade has its own dialect as part of the socialization of youth -- trying to set themselves apart from the generations before them. This is a fun process of translation to current day. Enjoy!

Yulesville -- Edd "Kookie" Burns

Monday, 7 December 2015

Day 2 - 340 -- Memories of Christmases Past

Today was filled with meetings and a couple of errands squeezed into the afternoon. The day was warm and sunny but the temps dropped sharply around sunset.  It is to be partly sunny for the rest of the week, which is delightful even if hovering around the freezing point.

I was thinking of Christmas and what I'd like to get accomplished in preparation -- the list is far to long and requires sensible editing. <smile>  Those thoughts took me to Christmases past when I lived in Winnipeg and Toronto and was able to attend the ballet in December. The traditional Nutcracker is amazing -- the music, the choreography and the staging. I have a calendar in the kitchen with a fantastic photo from the Balanchine version, still very traditional. That picture reminds me of the performances I've attended. I've loved them all, but the first was special. The principals there were Karen Kain and Frank Augustyn -- pure poetry and strength combined.

The selection for today comes from the music of the ballet. I share with you a newer version done in a less traditional format. Enjoy!

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy -- Pentatonix

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Day 2 - 339 -- Festive Greetings

Bright sun shone most of the day -- a true delight. I got caught up on the laundry with most of the day spent in setting exams.  Two solid drafts now exist and are ready for further editing and polishing tomorrow between meetings. This exercise usually is filled with great angst. Ensuring a fair exam covering aspects of all course sections can be very challenging -- so is also time-consuming. It does feel great when things start to come together, though -- a true accomplishment.

Outside my four walls of work, today brings the beginning of the eight night festival of Hanukkah. I've chosen to share two related songs. The first deals with a common food item at this time of year and I am all about the food <smile>. It is an up-tempo tune. The second selection is a new take on an old children's song and game -- love the twang in this one. Enjoy!

The Latke Song -- Debbie Friedman

Dreidel Song -- Julie Silver

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Day 2 - 338 -- Bringing the World Together

Where to begin today? The Fall convocation occurred this afternoon. Fewer students graduate in December, but there are still many celebrating. The day began with the singing of the national anthem in four languages -- English, French, Gaelic and Mi'kmaq. That makes me so proud -- to live in a country that recognizes not only the two official languages, but the languages of the traditional inhabitants and the early settlers.

This convocation saw the first PhD degree conferred at our university -- in Education. With many other masters and baccalaureate degrees were the diplomas. The diploma in Development Leadership is only conferred at this time of year. International students arrive on campus in May and graduate in December. Studying in Canada is not easy for many of them -- leaving families and communities to say nothing of the expense and paperwork to get here. Their smiles were extra-special today.

For sharing today, I've chosen a song originally recorded in 1967. It has been covered many times (with part of it in a current TV Christmas commercial). I do love the original version best; it is the one with that wonderful teenage voice that brought this man into the music scene. It is a bit ethnocentric for the thoughts of the day, but the message is clearly multicultural. Enjoy!

Someday at Christmas -- Stevie Wonder

Day 2 - 337 -- The Gift of a Change of Pace

Another term comes to an end. There are still many big and small tasks to complete before Christmas, but classes have ended. There were many smiling faces in class today -- some leftover from the ring ceremony yesterday and others from the wrapping up of 12 weeks of work.

Endings bring beginnings -- that circle of life thing, I guess. <smile>  While classes have ended, exams begin in three days, then students head home for a week or two only to return and begin the process all again in January. This ebb and flow allows for a change of pace and a bit of less frenetic time. It provides a moment for reflection on the accomplishments of the term -- a lot can happen in 12-13 weeks. It gives us a chance to catch up with ourselves and re-centre -- now that is a gift.

The song chosen for today is a holiday tune that speaks to the generosity of the time of year. This is one of my favourite duets that is in my Christmas song list every year. This year I am sharing a different grouping -- a quartet -- just as unexpected a grouping as the original duet. Enjoy!

Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy -- The Priests ft. Shane MacGowan

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Day 2 - 336 -- Celebrating Together

On this rainy afternoon, a couple of thousand people gathered on campus for the annual X ring ceremony. About 900 senior students received rings today while families and faculty members watched in person or streaming live on computers in offices and large meeting rooms. There were many excited students with very big grins everywhere today. During the ceremony, students carried signs or mouthed messages to their families as they passed the main camera. Each had something unique to say, dance or sign as they passed. It is a ring with much significance, that I admit still puzzles me a bit. It is recognized around the world, since we have graduates everywhere. I've been stopped in airports when people just saw my book bag with the school crest -- they asked how I was affiliated with the school where someone (or many someones) they know had gone to school or worked on campus. It is an interesting phenomenon.

The one theme that came through with the speakers and the students themselves was 'togetherness'. They sat in alphabetical order but still found a form of kinship with those around them. It isn't a huge campus, but they can't all know each other well, yet they were all part of a class together.

A new holiday song seemed to fit the feelings of the day. I'd heard it on the morning show. The video shows togetherness in many wonderful ways. Enjoy!

When We are Together -- The Canadian Tenors

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Day 2 - 335 -- Weather Wonderings

What is more Canadian than talking about the weather? <smile> Temperatures were into the mid-teens (Celsius) less than a week ago. It snowed 3 days ago -- enough to move it with a shovel off the stairs. They'd called for about 1 cm, but it seemed to be closer to 3-4 cm when moving it off the porch and car. It was light fluffy stuff, so moving it around was easy. Temperatures were below zero for a couple of days and then reached 1 or 2C yesterday. Today it was 7-8C, a temperature that will remain through the day tomorrow, when precipitation will fall as rain. There is very little snow left after the warmer temperature today despite there being no sunny breaks at all. On my way to the grocery store after work I encountered thick fog in a small lower lying area. Added to the darkness and total cloud cover, it made seeing the road a bit tricky. So, warm and cold air along with more moisture in the air led to pockets of fog throughout the area. In another 36 hours, the temperature is supposed to drop and we will experience some mixed precipitation. Moving slightly north or west gives a very different forecast --  while we get rain tomorrow, other areas will experience freezing rain and snow.

Autumn is a transition season and like Spring, it brings with it a mix of everything. It is interesting that the temperatures hovering around the freezing mark have felt very cold. In another month or so, that same temperature feels warm, as we become more accustomed to the colder air. That is clearly 'accustomed' and not 'enjoyed' on my part <smile>. And the news just reported a Canadian study that found that for every 10 degree drop in temperature, heart attack rate increased by 7%. I'll have to read the study to see what other variables they controlled for -- like depth of snow that people walk through or shovel -- to ensure the variability is due to temperature and not to other known causes. Something to Google when I need to be distracted tomorrow <smile>.

A couple of lines from a song have stuck in my head when watching the weather fluctuate over the past few days. These lyrics are from the second verse. The end of the video also reminds me of the offices at work -- where we are all closed into our own little spaces. <smile>. I've always loved this melody, which is made more memorable with the wonderful voice of the Canadian singer. Enjoy!

Lost -- Michael Buble

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Day 2 - 334 -- A Day of Many Meanings

Today marked many events - past, present and on-going. Sixty years ago today Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a standing white man in Montgomery, Alabama. That was one of several turning points that started the movement towards equity. Giving Tuesday is today, the day that tries to bring some sanity back after the over-the-top commercialism of Red Thursday, Black Friday through to Cyber Monday. This refocus on the world around us encourages us all to give to others by donating time, skills or funds -- a type of pay it forward day. Today is also World AIDS Day -- a day to focus on the ongoing programs to reduce further infections and treat all infected people. In some parts of the world, this infection has become a type of 'chronic' disease, whereas in other parts of the world, drugs to manage the disease are not easily accessible. Each of these three issues requires our attention to move the level of equality and equity to more acceptable levels globally.

On a more local note, it seems that the holiday season is upon us. Last week the tree lighting ceremonies for the campus and the town occurred. On Sunday the annual parade heralded the arrival of Santa Claus, though sadly his work location is still at the mall. Other events are beginning to fill up the calendar with holiday celebrations. Most of these involve food, family and friends, which is closer to the meaning of the season to many. It is a time to give of oneself to help others and take time to ponder the concept of peace and one's personal role in that process. 

The song that I chose to share today deals with the arrival of the holiday season. The mythology of Santa Claus, and several other figures from different cultures, began as a being who provided modest gifts to children. This changed with the commercialization of Christmas to the point that the figure we now recognize as Santa is from an early marketing campaign for a soft drink. Don't get me wrong, I do like the season, just not the over-consumption. The singers of this song provide wonderful harmonies and have fun doing so. Watch the little girl in the video -- she, too, is having a great time <smile>. Enjoy! 

The Old Man's Back in Town -- Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood, & Kenny Rogers