Sunday, 13 December 2015

Day 2 - 346 -- Tree Lights

Several 'to do' list items were completed but not everything that had been planned for today. It seems that even when I pare it back, there are still too many items on that blasted list. That said, I did more cooking than I'd planned, though none of that was on the list -- so maybe that's my problem -- leaving things off the list and then doing them <smile>.  I made some Thai turkey burgers for the freezer, individual apple-pear crisps for the coming week, and a huge ratatouille sauté for dinners this week. The tree went up today, with the broken branch out front to avoid further damage to other branches by the furry one who launches himself at a front branch. <smile>  Got the lights on -- all 280 of them (though there is another 70 if need be <g>). I still need to get the angel topper up when I do the wreaths in the next couple days. We'll see if any ornaments make it to the tree this year or not --depends on the furry fellow.

I absolutely love the trees and the lights. As far back as I remember, sitting alone in the dark with the lit tree has been a favourite time of the holiday. Now I love later evening any time -- when the house and neighbourhood becomes quieter and less frenetic. It is a time for relaxation. The addition of the lights brings a feeling of peace and presents an ideal time of reflection.

While adjusting the lights in the darkened room tonight, a verse from a Christmas song rang through my brain. Now, I did share a version of this last year by the first artist to record this song (see Day 354). She sang it every Christmas season on Letterman, and last year was the last time. So, this year, I chose to share a different take on the same song. There was no shortage of covers of this one <smile>. I did choose a male voice with some unexpected harmonies. The lyrics that fit today's activities are in the fourth stanza. Enjoy!

Christmas (baby please come home) -- Lady Antebellum

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