Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Day 2 - 356 -- Reconnecting at the Holidays

I got off to a slow start today -- so tired, I kept falling asleep after the alarm alerted me to the new day. Some less than pleasant news in the afternoon that delayed my plans for the day -- again not horrific, but it was put into perspective when a distant acquaintance sat beside me and told me the stresses their family is in the midst of. Another to add to the positive vibes list. That reminded me of a conversation I'd had last night, when a friend noted that people like us tend not to talk to people but rather are the ones that people open up to. How true. So, I did manage to get some of the veggies and fruits needed for the big dinner and beyond. Several store shelves were empty, though, and the store was packed with people. Seems this is the busiest shopping day of the year -- Silly me, heading out thinking the trip for a dozen items would take an hour <g>. No cookie work done today as planned, which leaves more for tomorrow <smile>.

The day ended with a wonderful evening at the local pub -- a real neighbourhood pub just down the street from me. It was an evening of visiting and catching up with friends from Halifax who were 'home' for the holidays. I love this part of the holidays -- that reconnecting. Meeting with friends or family in person or by phone is a wonderful way to feel connected during this frenetic time. I look forward to further visits in the coming week.

The lyrics of a song seemed to fit my foray into the holiday season and bring the feeling of gratitude to the fore. Love this singer. This if from his early days. Watch for the shoes <grin>. Enjoy!

Step into Christmas -- Elton John

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