Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Day 2 - 342 -- Caring throughout the year

Awoke with a migraine today. It messed a bit with my thinking during meetings this afternoon. The physio helped with some of the muscle tension that arrived overnight along with the headache. I plan to take things slower tomorrow in hopes that it won't escalate

This evening I visited the local theatre for an annual tradition at this time of year -- a one-man show of A Christmas Carol. Well -- one man and two puppeteers would be more technically correct. <smile>  This was adapted by Jeremy Webb, an actor located in the province, who also starred in this for the past decade. For the first time, a new actor took over the roles -- Rhys Bevan-John. He delivered a stellar performance. His voice and face easily switched between characters. I look forward to seeing him back next year. 

I do love this Dickens story. It clearly reminds us that Christmas isn't just a day of celebration and caring, but should be with us every day of the year. One song came to mind that expressed the concept of caring for others. It is sung by a strong advocate for peace and understanding in the world -- yet was taken from this world through violence. Somehow the song seems to fit well with global events of this year. Enjoy! 

Happy Xmas (War is Over) -- John Lennon ft Yoko Ono, Plastic Ono Band, & Harlem Children's Choir

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