Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Day 2 - 348 -- Not Ready for Winter

Ice pellets fell this morning. I walked out to pick up printing around noon and rain and ice pellets were falling as I walked -- but mostly rain. It was light, but my gloves were quite wet when I got back and the jeans were slightly damp.  In early afternoon, I walked out to the dentist. The precipitation had turned to ice pellets and the east wind had strengthened. It was like mother nature's facial -- I'm sure I lost a layer of skin walking into that mess. The winds were stronger on the return trip -- blowing me along through the ice pellet accumulation on the sidewalks. The roads were less slippery to walk on than the cement sidewalks. I needed to drop exam copies at the accessible learning office for the final tomorrow morning. The printing was rather heavy, so I chose to take the car up to campus for the delivery. The roads were very wet -- pools of water in the gutters and ice pellets in the centre of the road. Not too slippery for driving -- just needed caution. Luckily, many people were driving with care rather than using their 'summer driving' muscles.

Even inside the house, it feels chilly. The dampness, winds and near freezing temperatures add to the cold. This is the sort of day that a nice warm bath would be wonderful -- relaxing and warming. It wouldn't help the sore mouth, though. Its been almost 2 years since I had my teeth cleaned. Generally we do this every 6 months. Each time I had an appointment made I was sick -- flu, sinus, cold, and arm surgery. I kept trying with a new date, and something unexpected would arise. Very weird. I don't dislike going to the dentist -- this office is great. Chewing creates some pain this evening and will last for a few days. I often use a sensitive tooth paste for two weeks before an appointment. Today they had a cancellation, so I didn't get to do that routine ahead of time. Good news for the day -- teeth, gums, fillings and bone all looking good. <smile>

I will admit to saying the first line from a holiday song several times today <smile>. I don't want winter to show up too soon; I'd be happy if it didn't really show up at all. I refused to say the title of the song with the happy melody in my mind. So, I chose this parody to share instead. Enjoy!

Let it Snow -- Captain Jean Luc Picard

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