Sunday, 27 December 2015

Day 2 - 360 -- Shifting Biomechanics

Well, it's official. Winter has arrived. Snow fell overnight and throughout the day. About 15 cm (~ 6 inches) accumulated by mid-afternoon. Another 2+ inches are expected into tomorrow. Tuesday will bring more with estimates ranging from 10-20 cm (4-8 inches) as that storm begins Tuesday and runs into Wednesday, with a mix of rain and snow to follow on Thursday. We'll see how that all turns out. What today did bring was the second time this season that I shovelled snow, and there was considerably more this time than last.

Learning to shovel again will be interesting. The usual rhythm and movements used my whole life seem to need some tweeking. The left arm does not extend to be fully 'flat' so lifting and dumping snow hurts if I attempt to extend the arm as it has always moved. Lifting is easier if the shovel handle is grasped with my palm facing downwards instead of upwards. This, though, may be due to the work we are still doing on the triceps muscle. The snow was all moved though it took a wee bit longer than the old normal. It isn't anything that can't be dealt with. Training an old brain to develop new pathways of neuronal firing will be challenging, but I expect it should work -- likely by the end of the season. I would not complain loudly though, should there be less snow to practice upon this winter <smile>.

The end of the month and the year will be here before we have time to realize it. It has felt like a long month and ending with winter weather and shorter days only add to that feeling, I suspect. This, of course, reminded me of a song <surprise!> -- one with lyrics that wander about through many events and ideas, yet note the passing of time. Enjoy!

A Long December -- Counting Crows

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