Sunday, 20 December 2015

Day 2 - 352 -- Time for the Blues?

The past couple of days have been interesting -- not sure what other word to use. Remember the Chinese curse -- "May you live in interesting times."? I've been feeling 'off' -- I haven't been able to label the feeling -- hurt, anger, disappointment, betrayal, disillusionment, defeat or many other possible terms -- or a combination of several feelings perhaps. It is unclear if my discontent comes from a lack of sleep, too many working hours, or the holiday season. Generally, the latter doesn't create difficulties -- I like Christmas and New Year celebrations. But, many firsts do occur. I'm uncertain if I my feelings are from external forces acting upon me or if they are from inside me -- so there is no clear focal point that seems to be causing this -- instead there seem to be many smaller bits at play. Hopefully, with some rest, food, good movies and time to socialize, things will become clearer or at least less nebulous.

This reminded me of a concept that a friend shared with me. At a conference, she'd heard of 'micro-burdens.' The term was in reference to additional administrative tasks being downloaded to non-admin folks -- creating a sub-mid level manager, if you will. Many smaller burdens seem to have the impact of a few larger burdens -- the influence being additive or even multiplicative. Perhaps this concept can refer to admin items and all the other day-to-day 'burdens' that appear and disappear through life. Alone they pose a disruption, but bound together at the same point in time, they become explosive. As the old adage states, "the straw that broke the camel's back." So, while the term 'micro-burden' may be newish, the concept has been around for a very long time.

When choosing a song to share today, I thought of the blues, since I believe what I am experiencing could be called a 'blue funk'. <smile>  Several ideas came to mind, but one returned repeatedly, so it won the honour of gracing the blog today. I love the smoothness of the singer's voice -- always have -- one my mother's favourites. Enjoy!

The Christmas Blues -- Dean Martin

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