Friday 1 January 2016

Day 2 - 364 -- Peace, Love and Friendship

The end of a year is upon us. In just a few moments, 2016 will begin outside my window and continue its journey across the western hemisphere.  As the old year takes it's leave, there are many memories that go along with it -- memories of all sorts -- good, bad and in between. As always, I will partake of my annual ritual of welcoming the new year in the front door and saying farewell to the old year as it leaves out the back door -- something I learned from a dear friend and second mother many years ago. <smile> .

My hopes for the new year include one filled with love, peace, health and joy for us all. Friends and family are at the centre of this wish, with family meaning all those who are close friends over time and not just the legal definition of family. I've been blessed with many wonderful friends that augment the concept of family. I've also been blessed with family members who are true friends.

The selections for tonight fit with the evening. I am repeating a song from last year since the version that I wanted to share isn't available online. The second song is a traditional one for the day sung by a less traditional man, though his roots are from the same place as the song. Peace to you all and a very happy New Year. Enjoy!

P.S. It seems that I missed a posting in the flurry of final exams this month. Thus, the 364 days rather than 365 days that were posted this past year. I'll do my best to make up for it in 2016. <smile>

Dona Nobis Pachem -- Yo Yo Ma

Auld Lang Syne -- Rod Stewart

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