I've said this many times, but September begins with a slower pace -- a sort of long uphill climb with a gentle incline. One doesn't feel breathless until getting nearer the top of that first big slope and the air begins to get a little thin. January, on the other hand, begins in the middle of the climb up a hill with a seemingly impossibly steep incline. Breathlessness occurs before you've even noticed that you are exerting yourself. Perhaps it is more like living at sea-level and when on vacation in Denver you climb a slope just as you would at home, only to discover that you have to sit down and try to catch your breath and slow the heart rate after ten steps. I've done that and it takes some work for the brain to begin to comprehend the effect of altitude. Either metaphor notes that life becomes overfull before you've had time to see the dumptruck backed up to your office door. There I go, explaining a metaphor with a metaphor <smile>.
The lyrics of the selection I chose to share today note that running may be an effect of our surroundings and our need to be elsewhere. Enjoy!
Brand New Sun -- Jason Lytle
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