Monday, 18 January 2016

Day 3 - 18 -- Feeling Overwhelmed

Walking in to work this morning was a challenge. The sidewalks had been partially cleared but had a couple inches of slushy snow to walk through. It was like walking in sand and it was uphill. Feet seemed determined to slide out to the side making me walk on my arch instead of the ball of the foot. It was a great cardio workout, not that there was need for another source. After work, it took about 80 minutes to shovel out the three sides of the car and remove the two feet of snow lying on the roof and 18 inches on the hood. It was another cardio session. I still have the back porch to clear, so there will be more exercise planned for tomorrow. Campus was busy clearing by hand for the many stairs and areas where the sidewalk plough couldn't access. The overnight parking lots are a mess with just a road cleared between parking lines -- not sure how anyone was to get out from or into the parking spaces. Even the handicapped spot by our building had been filled in by the road plough. Not a great day, so I was happy to have walked and will likely do it again tomorrow. Aiming for Wednesday as the drive day just to give all equipment and workers time to do their work clearing. I have to say the snow has gotten old very fast. Sadly I expect there will be more before any of the current snow leaves.

The feeling of being overwhelmed has been building with one negative event followed by another. It has been a week with two snow storms, but also a week of many celebrity deaths. It seems to be a marker of aging when people we grew up listening to or watching on TV or film begin to leave. Today it was Glenn Frey a songwriter and band member of the Eagles, a group that I listened to a lot then and still do now. I know most songs and often sing along. Frey died from complications of chronic conditions and pneumonia at the age of 67. It is difficult to deal with these losses as they pile in one upon the other, not giving one time to recover before more is heaped upon the thought processes. It is difficult to find words to express what I feel tonight. Thankfully, Frey with colleague Don Henley said it for me.

The two selections for today were co-written by Glenn Frey. The titles and the lyrics speak to the feelings of the day. Enjoy!

Hole in the World -- Eagles  -- This studio style video is amazing -- made me smile and tear up a bit.

Heartache Tonight -- The Eagles -- The title says it all <sigh>

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