Sunday, 10 January 2016

Day 3 - 10 -- Finding the Passion

Today had a bit of everything -- household chores, a short shopping jaunt for something fun to read, preparation for classes tomorrow and Tuesday, and talking about research with a collaborator and friend. There are times I feel bitter about having to do work on days that aren't office days. Today this didn't cross my mind. I love food -- I'm known for my motto "food is my life [tm]" <smile>. It's true -- if people didn't eat, I wouldn't have a career <smile>. I love sharing the details of food and nutrition with others -- community members, clients, students, friends and peers. The field is a passion of mine, so often working on projects and courses can be fun and part of that love for the topic.

It struck me today that one of my goals when teaching or presenting research findings at conferences, is not just to get the facts across, but to impart some enthusiasm for the topic at hand. For students, I would feel I'd done my job if I added to their love of the field or helped them understand an area of practice that they had written off as something in which they'd never want to spend time. It happens -- likely more often than I may actually realize (I hope <smile>) -- and when it does it brings a smile that lasts for a while. So, I need to find a way to remember this goal and reconnect with my passion when life and workload can push any positive feelings off the desk onto the floor. Hopefully, writing it here will allow me to reconnect with the feelings that keep me going in this profession.

The song tonight plays two roles. Firstly, it reminded me of the joy of finding something that one can spend a lifetime exploring without ever tiring. When I chose the song, I realized that it is also a tribute to a woman who recently passed, leaving a hole in the world musical fabric. Enjoy!

This Will Be -- Natalie Cole

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