Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Day 3 - 20 -- Murder at the Cathedral

The wind blew all night with bigger louder gusts providing background to my sleep. It sounded ominous. When I woke this morning, I had to take a deep breath before looking outside to see how much snow had drifted in on the wind. Luckily it was only about 1-2 cm. Pushing that off the steps and long path to the street only took about 10 minutes. The wind has blown all day. Out the front doors of the building where I work it looked like snow squalls. In fact, it was just snow blowing off the building roof and once getting beyond the front of the building, there was just wind with little snow to heft and blow into your face. It is still gusting loudly in the trees around the house. Something is on the way, but it will be into the end of the weekend or sometime between Saturday and Monday and it may bring oodles or it may bring just a bit. We are too far out for accurate predictions, so it seems odd that there are forecasts communicated with differing outcomes every hour or two, They seem to induce panic more than help people prepare sensibly.

On the walk home tonight, the sun had set and the moon had risen behind some mist and cloud. It was a pleasant walk. Even though it was dark, it was earlier than I usually walk so the crows outside the cathedral were just beginning to gather. There was  still a large group gathered to discuss their daily exploits. They really do have different voices and vocalizations -- very intriguing to listen to while walking past. It sounds like an after work pub or coffee shop -- laughing, arguing, discussing but always intriguing.

The song for today wasn't too difficult to choose. It is by an amazing voice showcased on this blog often -- another Saskatchewan girl. Enjoy!

Black Crow -- Joni Mitchell

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