Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Day 4 - 255 -- It's Only Week 2

This evening it struck me that today was day 8 (including weekends) since the beginning of term. Why then did I feel so far behind? At times it feels like one of those cartoon characters whose legs are spinning in a circle but they are not making any headway. How does that level of stress and anxiety arrive so quickly? Does it have to do with trying to reconcile the very busy but somewhat more peaceful summer months with the flat out craziness of the academic term? So many things arrive from all directions at once that prioritizing and getting through the pile becomes impossible. I believe there is a rhythm that makes things a bit easier, but there truly is more to do than one can adequately manage.

Over the years I've likened this to a race where the hurdles seem higher that expected -- perhaps from being out of training over the last 4 months. Running the race every day should help us to get over the hurdles with practice, though I fear as time goes on, one might run a slower race. However, I'm not sure what the prize is that we are all racing towards. Is it a personal best, the best in the field or to finish in the allotted time? Clarifying the goal might make those hurdles easier to manage or help us to find a way around the difficult ones -- ending in the same place as everyone else, but having taken a different route. I'm not certain there are rules against that <smile>.

The song line that I heard over and over in my head today was the first line of a chorus to a song that has been around for decades. I've chosen to share a cover version from an unexpected group. Enjoy!

The Race is On -- The Grateful Dead

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