Saturday's are often a day to hide from the world and recharge. It is also when I try to get the physical household chore labour done and make a major dent in the course work needed for the following week. In an ideal world, that would leave most of Sunday for me to relax and do 'me' things. I'm still aiming at some leisure time for tomorrow, but still have a couple small items to finish up for early next week -- so we'll see. The materials for Monday are completed, so those for Tuesday may just wait another day <smile>. Frustratingly, the evening has been marred by the usual suspects who party loudly outdoors half a block away, yet sound like they are in my backyard. Even earplugs don't block the irritation. I"m not sure why they are still at it or why the bylaw isn't being enforced as expected. Just a negative to infiltrate my days -- actually every day for 4 weeks now.
Wasn't sure how to choose a song for today. I settled on one that was an anthem in bygone days. Perhaps this is what the crew down the street and around the corner are feeling -- though this still doesn't explain inflicting this on so many others. <sigh> So -- I'll go with the joyful feeling of having fun -- just not at the expense of others -- as we did many moons ago. Note that this group from Scotland makes great use of tartan in their clothing choices. This video isn't an aberration on that front. It does include an odd looking fashion trend that was a hit in the UK but (happily) never made it into the whole of this part of the world <grin>. Enjoy!
Saturday Night -- Bay City Rollers
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