Thursday, 14 September 2017

Day 4 - 257 -- Summer weather returns

The morning weather told us to be prepared for summer heat during the day. Even at mid-morning, the humidity made the 20ish C temperature feel much warmer. By late afternoon it was 28C or more with humidity making it feel well into the 30s. Sweltering day for mid-September. No complaints here, since it is to cool overnight, so sleeping won't be disrupted by the heat or noise of the fan. The office was very warm until the air circulation came on about noon -- not sure why this occurs so late in the day, but it is the way things seem to function. After lunch, the cool breeze from the overhead a/c was freezing my knees and feet -- I used my spare sweater to cover my knees -- like some goofy older woman shawl <grin>.

I found my mood was up and down a lot today. I didn't get adequate sleep since I was awake until after 2:30 AM -- stress and a lot of noise outside the house didn't help. Focusing on tasks was very difficult today. I struggled to get through some of the items needed for classes tomorrow.  I think I'm fairly ready, though, after some evening time spent preparing slides. I did see examples of others being overwhelmed -- students and faculty -- by confusing courses and times today. This is by no means a good thing, but at least its not only me.

The song for today contains a line that I heard over and over today -- the lead line of the chorus. It seemed to fit the temperature, though the rest of the lyrics aren't quite as congruent with the situation today <smile>. It is a fun older song. Enjoy!

Hot Child in the City -- Nick Gelder

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