Thursday, 28 September 2017

Day 4 - 271 -- Mega-Rain

It was still dark when I wondered what the neighours were up to -- only to realize that the noise was from thunder. A major storm passed by over a couple of hours early in the day. Torrents of rain fell, blocking sight of the house across the street. It settled into a steady light rain for the rest of the day. Heavy cloud blocked the sun so at its brightest the day looked like twilight. Throughout the day, the temperature dropped as the tropical air moved east. By suppertime, there was a distinct chill in the air and the humidity was far lower than the past several days. Tomorrow the high is to be similar to the lows of late with single digit lows to follow for a couple of nights. This is what fall feels like here -- cool and damp.

Luckily this morning I could wait for the rain to ease up a bit before leaving for the office. A colleague had to pull over on the highway three times on the way in this morning due to extremely heavy rains and no visibility. I've driven in such storms and it is as bad as driving in a blizzard. I've even stood in such storms at an outdoor concert -- we were all soaked but had a great time. <smile>  One line went through my head this morning listening to the thunder and monsoonal rain. I've chosen a version by a former band member's solo career. Enjoy!

Who'll Stop the Rain -- John Fogerty

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