Saturday, 2 February 2019

Day 6 - 33 -- Future Predictions

Surprise! The rodents done't agree on winter or spring timing this year. I'm not sure why Shubenacadie Sam did not see his shadow as it was clear skies with sun most of the day. Sadly he has the highest accuracy rate of the ground hogs in Canada and the US. For the Maritimes, winter usually lasts 3 months. Yet, this season was upon us in a major way by November. Technically, the three month season should be over in a week or so and that is just not going to occur. Most of us are ready for spring to begin -- though sadly most don't understand the transitional nature of spring -- cold and warm days are involved. 

I find it interesting that such a furor appears on Ground Hog Day each year. Today weather network people asked the Ontario premier to make this day a provincial holiday. Really??! Many historical events and persons could be chosen for such a holiday, but a ground hog? Intriguing enough that people put faith in a hibernating rodent but celebrating beyond the fun of the morning spent at the burrow event seems especially odd. I'm not wanting to sound like a curmudgeon here, but think about it. <smile>

One song played over in my head during the day. It is from long ago and far away <smile>. It was recorded by a new young teen star. Enjoy!

Fortune Teller -- Bobby Curtola

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