Saturday, 16 February 2019

Day 6 - 47 -- Unexpected Events

Unexpected events altered plans today. After laughing with a friend last night about our ability to be flexible and spontaneous -- we decided at 3 PM to go out for dinner at 6 PM. Yes, that is spontaneous in our world. Being the Friday before midterm break, it was easier for my colleague to say yes without the huge 'to do' list getting in her way. I'm working at being more flexible as I move through the actuality of retirement. It works some days. Today it was forced flexibility -- a necessary trip to the vet to deal with the flare up of a longer standing issue. Sleep last night was not lengthy or restful, but it went better than the late evening. By tomorrow, things should be settled to a more usual rhythm for both of us. <smile> Several of my planned household tasks have been moved to tomorrow, while I do more reading and writing instead.

Rain began falling overnight and has continued through the day. By evening today, this will stop and temperatures will fall below freezing overnight. Piles of slush remain with pools of water, so ice will be the word for the coming days. I expect flexibility will be needed to remain upright when out walking next week. Once gravel has been sprinkled on sidewalks, walking will improve. I'm not sure which day that might occur as this is a long weekend in the province. I'm not aware of needing to walk anywhere until Tuesday, so things should be reasonable -- at least once I get out of my walkway and frozen patches in the driveway <smile>

I share a song with chorus lyrics tinged by Nietzsche. We can get through the challenges and disruptions without falling apart. The pieces may be rearranged, but the end product works as well or better than before. Enjoy!

Stronger -- Kelly Clarkson


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