Monday, 11 February 2019

Day 6 - 42 -- A Study Day

Temperatures were colder than usual most of the day with the high being almost the same as the low. Bright sunshine made it appear pleasant. I worked indoors all day, except a quick evening trip to the curb with recycling. Most of the day was spent going over slides and notes for the midterm on Wednesday. We've covered a lot since classes began and all of it is so interesting. Granted so far we've been dealing with what is familiar to me. I expect even as we move into areas that are less familiar to me, it will remain intriguing. I'm looking forward to learning something more about recent musical trends. For supper, I cooked a batch of pepper steak. It turned out well. Several portions now sit in the deep freeze for future meals. It goes well with the extra rice I still have in the freezer.

Studying when I haven't really done this for years brings old rhythms. My study notes seem similar to what I'd used long ago. I wasn't sure my brain would recall the process or if I'd end up with something new. For the most part, this felt vaguely familiar -- calmly reading through my class notes and the slides. One difference is the density of information on the slides reads more like a text book than the lecture materials from days gone by. I think this is a good thing for studying, but I find it distracting during lecture where I like to listen and make my own notes. I'll see how my combination of old and new serves me later this week.

I share a song that suits the study material (History of Popular Music). It is a lesser known song from a well known band. It also reflects what this blog tries to do. Enjoy!

Add Some Music to Your Day -- The Beach Boys

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