Monday, 25 February 2019

Day 6 - 56 -- Following Your Passion

I've encountered similar stories from two people lately. During the Oscars, Lady Gaga noted that winning wasn't the goal. Instead she presented not giving up as the goal noting that developing a and working with a passion shouldn't be stopped by rejection. On the morning show today, author Angie Thomas (The Hate U Give & On the Come UP) told viewers that her first book had been rejected 150 times. She kept writing and just released her second novel after an award winning first novel. The theme to these messages struck me as 'follow your joy' and 'commit to your passion'. Each stated that one should not give up. Love what you do and you will find a place in the world. Just be you without changing to meet someone else's vision -- work to your own goal.

It seemed odd that I'd hear the same message from two different artistic women. Their messages struck a chord by noting that rejection does not equal failure -- not if you are working on something you love. The need to keep moving forward while being yourself was an amazing message, especially when articulated by different speakers. I have tried to follow by passion throughout my career. This was easier in some settings than others, but that showed me that the negative responses to my ideas did not mean they weren't worth working towards -- just might need to hold onto them for another day or place. The research ideas I've had are now being developed with the help of my research partners. There is a time and place, we just need to persevere to find it.

The Oscar winning song from last evening is shared today. The lyrics fit with the messages of these two young women -- be brave and jump into the deep end. Enjoy!

Shallow -- Lady Gaga ft. Bradley Cooper

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