This morning, I went out to clear behind the car and the end of the drive with the stuff from the street plow. I got most of it moved but left the very end of the drive until tonight. The snow was heavier -- more packed than wet -- from the ice pellets last night. This made the work harder and more tiring. Waiting to finish tonight made sense. I wanted it moved before the hard freeze overnight. Forecasts note that in two days we'll have rain and above freezing temperatures. Then it will freeze quickly again. The pattern demonstrates the maritime winter well. We get caught in a cycle. Our snow fall from this storm was far less than seen north and west of here, so this isn't a complaint only a statement of fact. Winter will be over in a few weeks and the transition of spring will begin.
A song came to mind today as I was walking around campus. It made me smile. The chorus lyrics may represent how my experience relates to winter <smile>. I love this singer-songwriter's voice and style -- jazz rock, blues rock or blue-eyed soul -- or a combo thereof. Enjoy!
Still Falling for You -- Boz Scaggs
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