Winds continued to blow with major gust throughout the night and all day long. The sun shone for much of the day, so I took time to shovel the show from overnight -- about 2 inches, but it drifted to 6 or 7 inches in some areas. Due to the colder temperatures, it was fairly light to move. Difficulties arose when the slush I shoveled yesterday had frozen under the fresh snow -- no shovel will move that. I walked out to two short errands in the sun, as well. there was a need to be dressed for the cold and the wind. Doing so made the walks rather pleasant.
While shoveling, I noted tracks in the snow that made me smile. We have a resident crow who comes from parts unknown. Yet, each day he walks into the yard from the town sidewalk. He strides -- no hopping around for this fellow. He does an interesting crisscross pattern through the yard. I've watched him from the window a few times, but see his tracks most days. There is nothing in the fresh snow for him to find. After a deeper snow fall last week, I headed out to shovel and didn't see his foot prints. When back inside I happened to glance outside and there he was walking down the freshly shoveled walkway with snow as tall as him on either side. He looked very grand and important. He has a mission that remains a mystery to me. He is always alone. I wonder what he tells his pals about these treks through my yard when the local crows congregate at sunset. His escapades bring me a smile maybe others find humour in his explorations, too.
I share the title song from a Grammy winning album -- the artist's first. This instrumental reminds me of the dude in the front yard -- lively, bright and upbeat. The version chosen to share has several other artists accompanying the musician-songwriter on Letterman a few years ago. Enjoy!
The Crow -- Steve Martin ft. Bela Fleck & Tony Trishka (banjos) & Brittany Hass (fiddle)
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