Thursday, 5 March 2020

Day 7 - 65 -- Winds Bringing New Perspective

After the big winds last evening, cold winds blew outside today -- still happening outside my window. Yet, it still has a spring feel. It was much colder today than it has been, but any snow that will fall in the coming days won't last long. A lot of melting has occurred, though there is still a ways to go before we see all open ground. There is some there, which is all I need to see. <smile>

A comment from an acquaintance encountered on a shopping out today reminded me that Spring brings a degree of hope -- hope for the ending of a dismal and cold season as well as hope for new growth. I look forward to seeing green grass, spring flowers and budding trees. Personally, continued growth will occur. The season brings refreshed views -- literally and metaphorically. So, hope was a great word to hear today.

Winds have often been a metaphor for change, which could entail positive growth with the change of season. Lyrics of the song chosen for today deal with this notion of winds bringing change. Enjoy! 

Wind of Change -- Scorpions

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