Thursday, 26 March 2020

Day 7 - 86 -- Feeling Confined

I got some things checked off the to do list today. Several things needed to be checked on or investigated online. I found some answers and some weren't as I'd hoped. Still, it is good to see changed to services to adapt to the current physical distancing. I conversed with a colleague about future project deadlines and formats. I feel confident things will work well. While cooking supper, I listened to a phone town hall with our Member of Parliament about the federal responses to the virus crisis. He and an MD fielded questions from constituents and they were able to clarify an number of misconceptions and let folks know there are more talks and plans underway.

By the time I got ready for a walk this afternoon, there was major snow falling. I went out anyway. I saw four other people in my travels. Only one coming out of a building would have crossed my path and he paused and waited as I walked by before he descended the stairs -- keeping the mandated 6 feet between us. Two others were over 1/2 block away while the other was about 15 feet --  I turned into my driveway before we'd have gotten closer. The traffic, though, seemed to be as heavy as usual along Main Street. Not sure where everyone was going or coming from. The walk with tunes in my earphones helped me to relax a bit and get the heart rate up from something other than fear. <smile>

Lyrics from a song reminded me of what we are feeling right now. The need to get out, to get away, and to find hope for the future. Nightmares are referred to as being 'hammered into dust' at some future happy point in time. I think I like that thought. Take care. Enjoy!

I'll Tag Along -- Gordon Lightfoot

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