Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Day 7 - 83 -- Social Movement

How the world works has begun to change. Remote health appointments are the norm with MDs doing much over telephone that doesn't need an in person examination and mental health personnel have switched to phone or video conferencing with clients. Personal conversations have moved from the workplace, sidewalk or kitchen table to telephone and video conference software. Now, the class material for the class I am taking moves from the classroom to my laptop. Slides and video material links have been provided for this week, with the final installment arriving next weekend. The instructor is now at home in the US midwest. As he wrote in his instructions, class is whenever we'd like it to be with the bonus that we don't even have to wear shoes to get to that area of the house. <smile>  Our Member of Parliament will hold a town hall meeting via phone later this week to speak to us about government policy changes and answer questions. That is a first for me.

I am finding new work arounds to try that will assist with social distancing. I plan to order groceries online for a pick up where they will place things directly in my trunk. I'll let you know how that goes. I understand many people do this regularly, but I actually like grocery shopping -- just not really into it at this point in time. Far less anxiety about being out among people occurs with this format of shopping.

All of these communication methods help us to remain isolated while working together to flatten the curve. As a good friend noted today, "We can practice distancing without being distant, thanks to technology." The song for today ran through my head and while the lyrics could refer to several aspects of our current situation, I heard it as a social movement beginning. I chose a cover of the original to share today. Enjoy!

Something in the Air -- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

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