Monday, 23 March 2020

Day 7 -- 82 -- Mental Health in Crises

Anxiety -- Over the past week this has been a constant in a world that changes moment by moment. Fear, foreboding, uncertainty and loss of control can lead to feeling anxious. In turn, for some, this can lead to panic. We've seen evidence of this in the hoarding behaviour of shoppers stocking up for the apocalypse. Social media have filled with frightened, angry and panicked posts from individuals who may have been seeking solace in social nature of e-contact, but actually find themselves in a feeding frenzy of other anxious individuals. While posts have turned to focus on the helpers and some of the humor finding its way out of the darkness, there are still far too many anxiety filled posts. As a community, we need to address this mental health issue. For some, this may mean limiting time with social media or drastically editing content for a while -- just to remain on a more even keel. For others, it may mean reaching out to those clearly in distress and helping them find the resources they need to find coping strategies.

What is anxiety? Clinically, the definition from the DSM-5 has become much more complex than in previous editions of this diagnostic manual. I tend to see the world through metaphors, so let me give this one a try. Anxiety, like water, will find a way -- finding and infiltrating the tiniest crack in an otherwise solid foundation. It rushes in flooding the mind with doubt and fear, just as water would fill a basement. It has the power to take over  all plans and resources to  hold onto control. Only with a huge effort can this flood be cleaned up -- with everything from a sponge mop to a shop vac to huge pumps. The good news here is, that with that help, anxiety can be managed. 

Though overly simplistic as an explanation, there is some truth in this one -- introverts may have the skill sets to deal with self isolation and could share these with the extroverts who appear totally lost right now. Individual from both groups will need supports as we move forward with this journey. So, let's help each other. Learn some basic grounding techniques from breathing exercises to various counting and memory exercises. These can help the rational part of the mind to wrest control from the emotional system of the brain.

Lyrics of the song choice for today seemed to fit the anxiety tide and the current situation -- both will pass as we move forward helping each other along the way. The singers voices blend so well. The melody is calming. Be the light and the hope. Sit back and relax with this one. Enjoy!

A Safe Place to Land -- Sara Bareilles ft. John Legend

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