Saturday, 14 March 2020

Day 7 - 73 -- Cancellations Abound

Computer screens filled with   more news on multiple cancellations and closures locally and more broadly. Guest lectures planned for the next 10 days will not occur. Several faces I encountered on campus were filled with anxiety -- the tension is palpable, but optimism does persist.I received news of an abstract accepted for a conference in June. Given the global situation, I'm unsure this meeting will occur. All depends on how long precautions to limit social distance will continue. Some experts expect this could last at least until June.  If so, how does one provision a household for that length of time? One of a zillion questions racing around these days.

Facing uncertainty brings myriad feelings -- fear, helplessness, sadness and so many others. Feeling lost has been stated by several folks I've encountered. No one has lived through something quite like this, so no sources of experience or advice exist. Best practice has strong theory and some recent experience behind it. Taking precautions makes good sense and requires community action and not just that of individuals -- both of which can slow the transmission rate. Such thoughts bring to mind many people at great distance from me that I'd like to be closer to during such times, so that the mutual support needed to walk this journey was more accessible.

A song about uncertainty seemed apropos today. The first two lines ran through my head often as I tried to work at my desk while more and more cancellation messages arrived electronically. Take precautions. Be safe. Enjoy!

For What It's Worth -- Buffalo Springfield

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