Saturday, 2 August 2014

Day 214 -- farmers' markets and food trucks

Saturday -- the day when farmers' markets across the country open to sell wonderful locally grown and prepared foods. In most areas of Canada, these are not open year around due to the shorter growing season. We are now at the peak of fresh produce at the markets, which is always an exciting time. Over the next month or so here we will see blueberries, tomatoes, corn and root vegetables added to the beans, peas, salad greens and other yummy treats.

Today our local wood-fired pizza kiosk will be open -- usually only open on Friday downtown and Saturday at the market, this week they were downtown Thursday and Saturday evenings. Pizzas are made with organic and local ingredients, so the summer toppings have been quite fun to discover. This version of a food truck and the farmers' market show the vitality of the local food systems. The ability for businesses to thrive is based on the growing interest in fresh, local food products. Knowing who grew the food puts us back in touch with agriculture and all that entails, while giving a sense of trust in the food. Many growers represent the second or third generation in the business -- the family farm. These alternative marketing systems provide an economic base for local producers who operate small and micro-enterprises -- operations that would not be able to supply an adequate amount of product to meet the demands of retail.

Today's song highlights the family farm through generations. Enjoy!

Dirt -- Florida Georgia Line

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