Friday, 22 August 2014

Day 234 -- warranty weirdness

Well, what can I say? Today I awoke on time, but have been tired all day long. I ran a few errands and got some groceries. It is a grey and rainy day, but not totally unpleasant. The odd part began when I returned home to discover that I didn't get a couple major items that had been on the grocery list and one more time I received an 'unknown number'  from the same number. This number has shown up daily since mid-July, generally when I am at work. I answered a few times and only got dead air. I tried a reverse directory check and it is not available. I did a redial and the number isn't available in my calling area. When they called at supper for the third time today, I answered, saying hello and wondering out loud if they'd actually come on the line. They did. It seems they are calling on behalf of the store where I bought my vacuum almost a year ago and wanted to sell me extended warranty coverage for the warranty that will expire soon. I asked that they not call me again, then called the store and the national customer service numbers to ask for an explanation why the 5 year warranty will expire after 12 months. The answer made no sense, so I'm heading back to the store tomorrow to have them figure this out and speak with the company. The woman who answered was the person who books service calls -- so not the person that I needed to speak to. I read to her from my owner's manual and she sounded like she was sneering at me and even told me to check the definition of exceptional warranty with google!  I told her I did understand the concept but that this is NOT what the manual states. Now the company had just gone through a changeover from a 1-year to a 5-year warranty last summer, so I'm expecting that I got stuck in the midst of this turnover. This is what needs to be clarified from inside the company not by me, hence my planned trip to the sales person tomorrow..

So -- the end of a wonderful week seemed tainted a bit by the ineptitude of a major appliance retailer. I did decide that this was silly -- for me to let this cloud the positive. Frustrating, yes, but not worth obsessing over. It is interesting how a word or look from someone else can change the way we see the rest of the day. By the same token, that means that my grumpiness can adversely affect someone else's day. I try to keep this in mind when interacting with others, though some days this is more difficult, like when tired or ill -- Not an excuse, but a reason. Also, when making a complaint, the person hearing it has little ability to change the system, even when constructive points are made with the complaint, as I did today. I have little faith that such ideas ever make it to the decision makers, but at least I have provided positive input.

Today the song is an oldie. I've always enjoyed the tempo and melody  The band name seemed to fit my feelings for part of the day. <smile> Enjoy!

Nights in White Satin -- Moody Blues

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