Sunday, 3 August 2014

Day 215 -- a semi-lazy Sunday

Another Sunday almost over -- at least this one is in the middle of a long weekend. I've spent today sorting through work and research papers and editing slides for a new-to-me course I'm teaching in September. I still felt that I was not fully engaged with the work at hand, which made things feel like they were dragging on and on and on. Outside the day was cooler but with the humidity, it still felt 30C or more. There was a mix of sun and cloud and the  rain that was promised never materialized. The forecast for rain always seems to be two days away and we're madly chasing that hoping to ease the extreme dryness and salvage a few garden plants.

So -- why is it that on weekends I feel 'lazy' when doing some smaller tasks around the house or for the office? I'm still doing less than I'd do on a regular work day. Doing this now means that I don't have to do it when I'm on vacation. Yet, I still feel like I can't get out of first gear <smile>. Maybe there is a part of me that resents working on the weekends, especially in the summer when there are fewer student projects to be grading or editing. I do want to get these fall 'housekeeping' tasks out of the way and have things ready to go for the first couple or three weeks of term. This would let me get to the research writing that I so want to finish. Parts of this writing often get done during vacation -- that is when my brain has some time to chill and work out some of the more difficult passages. I try to do several things at home that require some physical input but little brain input. This allows the brain to bring forward some of those back-burner issues. I guess this is like polishing silver for Golda Meir, who said when there was something that needed to be thought through, she would settle on that chore.

Today's song is a silly little ditty but it made me smile when I thought of it. Enjoy!

Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon -- Queen

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