Sunday, 24 August 2014

Day 235 -- summer slipping away

I discovered today that some of the melancholy surrounding me may stem from the fact that our summer is nearing an end. In 10 days classes begin for the Fall term. I feel like I am just getting into the summer mode and it is time to shop for fall and winter clothing items. The days and evenings have been cooler this past week. Even the warmer days predicted for the coming week will have that 'last hurrah' feel to them. That doesn't make them any less summer-like; rather it is the wistfulness of seeing something end.

I'm not sure that the end of winter brings with it the same feelings, even for those who love winter. There are more barriers to living with cold weather -- roads, weather and extra clothing needed -- than we experience in summer, it seems. When the daylight hours are longer, we try to pack every minute with the fun things one does in warmer weather. Researchers have found that we get less sleep in the summer months due to the longer days -- it is still light out so going to bed at a sensible time seems more difficult. This is the time of year that I try to do day trips or afternoon drives -- things that just don't fit during the academic terms. It gives one a sense of freedom of sorts -- work and all that it brings is still there, but the time seems a bit more flexible. 

The song I chose for today carries that feeling of happy memories mixed with resignation and that disconcerting feeling that something is slipping through your fingers. Enjoy!

All Summer Long -- The Beach Boys

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