Saturday, 11 July 2015

Day 2 - 191 -- Local Strawberry Time

This time of year is great. The local strawberry growers have fresh juicy berries available. There are several fields just outside of town, with some offering u-pick. It takes a long time to pick enough berries for jam and freezing, so I tend to buy a couple quarts each week. I always plan to put one quart in the freezer to mix with other fruits in crisps during the winter, yet somehow that never occurs. Well, you know what they say about good intentions <sigh>.

I have several favourite ways to prepare fresh strawberries. Other than jam -- strawberry or strawberry/rhubarb -- the first dessert dish I made was strawberries Romanov. This contains sliced berries with a touch of Grand Marnier and served with whipped topping of your choice. My favourite take on a strawberry shortcake-type dessert uses sponge cake as the base. The other topping is a heated mixture of berries, brown sugar, butter, black pepper and balsamic vinegar. To serve either topping, use ice cream or whipped topping with the cake and berry mixture. The other fave I'll share today is a spinach and strawberry salad. Many things can be used depending what is available. I use red onion or green onion, toasted almonds, and sometimes add green pepper or mushrooms. The dressing I make is orange juice base with red wine vinegar, fresh ginger and honey. Sometimes I add poppy seeds to the dressing. Many other ways to enjoy fresh strawberries exist, but these are the three things I try to make each year but new recipes are always welcomed.

The title of the song today reminds me of a recipe my brother has made well in the past <smile>. It also encompasses the angst of young love and is reminiscent of the many emotions of young adulthood. I love the group performing. Enjoy!

Strawberry Wine -- The Dixie Chicks

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