Friday, 31 July 2015

Day 2 - 211 -- NIght of a Blue Moon

Today was productive -- and it was a Friday even <smile>. Met about course assignments and then finished some of the main documents for one course so they'll be ready for September. That felt good. Slides still need to be updated for that course, but these will be a few small changes and additions to keep things current. I will spend more time on another course next week and hope for the best <smile>. The day ended with a spontaneous dinner out with a friend -- wonderful sushi, with a delightful roasted beet salad and a luscious dessert -- dolce de leche torte -- a wonderful meal with a great friend. A perfect ending to a very full week.

The full moon tonight is the second in the month, so it is termed a blue moon. Be sure to take a look at the moon tonight if you can -- these happen only every few years. The skies are somewhat clear here. We'd had pouring rain overnight that lasted until after noon. There is incredible humidity outside (and sadly, inside). Tomorrow is to be hot with a killer humidex and clearer skies.

The celestial event had me singing today's selection as I worked around the kitchen this evening. It was written by Rogers and Hart when my parents were only toddlers, yet became a hit for various artists over more than six decades.From those many versions, I've chosen one from the middle of that time span. It has a more romantic feel. You should check out the other versions available online; each uses a very different beat and rhythm -- from swing to doo wop to country (like horse clip clop backing -- just weird <grin>). Enjoy!

Blue Moon -- Sha-Na-Na (from Grease)

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