Saturday, 25 July 2015

Day 2- 204 -- technology strikes again

Well -- technology can be challenging and can stop things in their tracks. Today I was away from home and pulled out the credit card only to have the clerk ask if I had another one. What??  Seems he couldn't get the transaction to go through so he felt there was an issue with my card. NOT!  We managed to figure out something and off I went to call the card company to see what was up. I was on hold for-ev-er.  So, I just went to bed and said I'd deal with it in the morning. After some caffeine, I made the call. On hold again, but not for as long. They had no records of any declines so the issue was with the merchant's connection. That made me feel better, as I tend not to carry cash around much and use plastic within my budget limits.

A song that definitely fits this silliness is by a Canadian songstress. The world has gone mad at times it seems <smile>. And only the older among us will recognize the origin of the title and the early sounds on the track. Enjoy!

Ka-Ching -- Shania Twain

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