Sunday, 28 February 2016

Day 3 - 58 -- The Gift of Friendship

Saturday began with clouds and then was a mix of bright sunny moments within the mainly cloudy sky. The day was spent with friends -- and eating <smile>. As the place we went for lunch stated at the entrance, "Food tastes better with friends." How true. A couple of other friends joined us for supper once we'd ventured back down the highway.

It isn't only food that is better with friends. The highs and lows of life and all the bits in between those anchor points on the scale are much better when shared with friends. Those who celebrate the joys and cry with the sadness do make life much richer. I've encountered this in person and over all types of electronic communications. Support systems are so necessary for humans -- we are social animals much as we sometimes want to hide from others (as noted by the French philosopher JP Sartre, 'Hell is other people). Without others our experiencing life would not be as full as it should be to begin to make sense of this crazy world around us.

The selection today speaks to the concept of supportive friendship. It is sung by a favourite male voice and written by a favourite female songwriter. They've even sung this one together. Enjoy!

You've got a Friend -- James Taylor

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