Friday, 12 February 2016

Day 3 - 43 -- Disconnected

Today marked the end of the week and the beginning of the winter Reading Week. While this is more commonly known as Spring Break, it is fully intended not to be a vacation time -- rather a time to regroup, catch up and prepare to tackle the second half of the term. That said, taking some time away from work is a good idea to help with productivity and mental approach to the work yet to come. I have a huge bag of exams to grade along with many other smaller assignments to catch up with, and will take some non-work time along the way. More snow is expected in the next couple of days, hopefully bringing much less than each of the past three storms. I'm so tired of it all.

Walking around today even in the colder temperatures, felt like walking through fog. Anxiety mixed with fatigue and nausea have taken a toll. Sometimes it feels like being wrapped in something that gives only glimpses of the world around me. More of the view is focused inward it seems. Perhaps the fuzzy wrapping is protective in nature. All the winter outerwear can impede movement, so maybe that is part of the odd exterior feelings of disconnection. The thicker scarf today made looking up difficult, so my eyes were trained on the icy patches at my feet. Besides, if I moved my head around a lot, the earbuds moved out of the ears under my hat -- taking mitts off to readjust these would not be delightful with the wind chills present today (about -17C).

I was reminded of a song later today that could address my feelings of fuzzy, haziness. It is from the '60s and contains one of the most misheard lyrics of all time. Enjoy!

Purple Haze -- Jimi Hendrix

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