Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Day 3 - 47 -- Riding the Winds

Morning began with bright sun again today along with some wind. The southerly air movement brought with it some very warm temperatures. By afternoon, it was 10C and it had been -18C just over 24 hours ago. I'm hoping this is the fluctuations of winter into spring. Rain -- heavy rain -- will blow in overnight for tomorrow. With snow banks shoulder high and taller, this will leave us with a lot of ice. Ponding is likely since the ground is frozen and there are few areas for 'run off' -- most walkways will become streams leaving behind slippery icy sections when the temps drop again. This is the time of year that the end of the driveway becomes a sheet of ice and makes me think a zamboni might be better than a 4WD for a few weeks <smile>. The winds seem to be creating a headache, but this will pass, too.

Things blow in and move out along with winds -- literal and metaphorical things. After a major summer storm, the remnants of some hurricane or other, I saw a painted bunting sitting outside the kitchen window. I tried to describe him to an ornithologist friend, but he wasn't sure what I was describing. Then one day, I saw a photo of a bunting and knew that was the creature I'd seen -- blown in on the hurricane winds. Just like the bunting, our negative feelings and thoughts can blow out on the wind. It is a great analogy for letting things go. Being from Saskatchewan, I understand wind and have never disliked it unless it was a tornado or wicked wedge winds with a summer thunderstorm. Moving to the Maritimes, I've experienced other scary winds -- hurricanes and nor'easters. I like the sound of the wind, just not the breakage of the trees around me. 

Lyrics of the song for today relate to the concept of shaking off the negatives -- even if only for a while. The music is upbeat with the unmistakable guitar and voice of the fab singer. Enjoy! 

Blow Away -- George Harrison

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