Music is a spice of life! I plan to post a musical selection each day of the year, based on reflection on events of my days.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Day 3 - 42 -- Pondering Strength
Have you ever encountered someone in the midst of a personal trauma and then hear someone say that the person will be ok since they are strong? There are many sides to this type of statement. Does it mean that one can absolve themselves of assistance because the person is inherently strong? Does it mean the one making such a statement doesn't feel equipped to help? Or, is this a compliment, a way to give hope to someone? How do the 'strong' people feel? Are they just needing someone to hear the story -- not have someone fix the situation but to be able to share the burden? Perhaps they simply need to say something out loud for another person to hear -- that way of facing some nastiness and making it real, without which forward movement is impeded. The truth likely lies in the midst of emotions felt by all parties concerned. No one wants to add to the pain of another -- at least I like to believe this is the case <smile>. Being able to share the facts of a situation with someone else can be a true gift of friendship -- and works in Real Life and cyber life, it seems.
Strength should not mean someone can't or doesn't need to speak to others, for speaking the scary thoughts takes huge strength. Strength should also mean being able to hear what others have to say. Everyone can be strong in their own way. Strength involves finding appropriate coping strategies, which often involves talking with others. It involves resilience -- bouncing back from adversity over time. It holds aspects of bravery -- pushing forward and facing the scary bits. It is not self-indulgent, but strives to help oneself without burdening others. Going back to the original question then -- it likely is a compliment and a statement of hope. Since understanding the pain of others also takes great strength, perhaps we may all have a superhero locked away inside that needs to be released every once in a while. <smile>
The selection for today mirrors many of these thoughts. The singer/songwriter and mega-guitarist featured in the song is an icon of rock coloured with blues. Enjoy!
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