Saturday, 13 February 2016

Day 3 - 44 -- Needing a Lullaby

Another Saturday almost over. The day was filled with household chores, grading exams, and cooking. I walked out for milk in the early afternoon. While chilly, it hadn't begun to snow yet. I'll have a wee bit to push around tomorrow, but that will be my break between laundry and grading tasks.

The past week resulted in a lack of sleep or at least, restful sleep. I had an odd dream last night about working with people I didn't know to become prepared for some event that was likely to lead to some chaos. The group of people and I were working to shore up one abode so we could all 'go to ground' so to speak. It seemed odd, yet on reflection, it was also metaphorical. Interesting how we work through such things while sleeping. The weariness had me moving more slowly than usual and thus not being as productive as many other days. Not a total wasted day, but a day filled with reflection that took time from other activities -- also not a bad thing, but just the way things need to be.

The song that came to mind is one that would work well as a lullaby <smile>. The lyrics also illustrate the importance of supporting each other during stressful times -- being brave enough to let others know what you need is a key part of the early verses. The song has been covered by many artists over the decades and I've chosen one of the many. I enjoy the clarity in this voice and that power was always moving. Enjoy!

Lean on Me -- Joe Cocker

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