Thursday, 25 February 2016

Day 3 - 55 -- Finding a Path

Yesterday was spent working away at a seemingly insurmountable task. Yet, I'm determined to get through the major pieces to move the larger project forward. Its one other thing where one thing leads you to a different task and then to another so you can easily lose any forward movement or sense of purpose as you flit from one aspect to another -- never actually completing anything.

I had some early successes with hunkering down and focusing on one thing at a time. That reminded me of a story I tell when teaching research methods. The story is about a grade 6 boy who had to write an essay on birds of North America. He asked his father what he should do and how he could possibly complete this overwhelming task. His father said to focus on one bird at a time. This seems to be sensible advice for many of life's projects. It could help to save expending large amounts of physical and mental energy with nothing to really show for the effort.

Not having Internet access last evening made me very frenetic. Before I knew it I was flitting from one thing to another again and forgetting what I had planned to do. This taught me how important to me this blog is for my processing of daily events. Reflecting and sharing makes all the difference. So -- in lieu of typing this, I wrote it out on a paper last night.

The selection for today was one that I'd listened to earlier when using the iPod to focus attention and avoid being too overwhelmed. It refers to finding a passage and metaphorically that is what I've been doing -- finding the way through all the necessary activities on this journey. It is sung by an amazing Canadian folk artist who left this world much too early. Enjoy!

Northwest Passage -- Stan Rogers

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