Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Day 4 - 32 -- Mixed Emotions

It has been a reasonable day, yet not without its mountains. Two classes went smoothly -- good engagement in group work for both. The afternoon brought a meeting to discuss possibilities for a plan I've been thinking of for some time. I've had trouble getting things to fall into place, so had someone else look at arrangements to see what they could glue together. It seems that it may not be possible to do what I had dearly hoped to do quite as I'd originally planned. There may be one other option that I'll look into tomorrow. Like the Stones once said, 'You can't always get what you want." <smile>

Pulling in assistance for this project helped me to see things from another angle. That was useful. I'd been feeling a bit defeated and blamed myself. Like I've told others often, asking for help is not a sign of weakness -- it is an admission that we are human and need other perspectives for clarity. There are many small decisions and larger projects that need attention, but I've felt somewhat paralyzed and on my own -- almost abandoned. Gathering input form others does help in dealing with difficulties encountered.

A song I hadn't heard for a long time entered my consciousness at some point today. One line seemed perfect for the day's events -- "so you let time forgive the past and go and make some other plans." The lyrics contain a spark of hope amidst the almost sad melody -- an emotional mix that feels vaguely familiar. Enjoy!

Not Alone -- Patty Griffin

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