Monday, 6 February 2017

Day 4 - 37 -- Putting things in the Past

Monday seems a long day with a very early classroom start, all three classes and a few student meetings. I did get through a number of key things on the list that needed to happen today, but didn't get much touched on the 'nice to do' part of that list. Maybe tomorrow. It would be nice to get these done before they become designated 'have to do'.  Spent some time moving the snow from last night when I got home at supper time. It is cold -- and getting colder overnight -- so the snow wasn't too heavy until I got to the 6 feet width left by the street plow. There was a lot of heavier salted snow in that. Since more is on the way along with freezing rain and rain, I decided against clearing the full end of the driveway. I may just call the plow guy after the next couple of days of precipitation.

I spoke and typed with a few people today about issues that seem to be impeding progress -- either external or internal. For all situations, it seems that things are moving in a positive direction. It is interesting how the actions of others or our own thoughts can interfere with progress. Some end up being short-term difficulties that improve with time and patience -- the latter being very difficult when stress and frustration become involved. Longer term impediments often contain a large personal attitudinal aspect to them, which may serve to keep a person in a constant negative space. I do find myself cranking on about some thing or other, rather than trying to find a way to stop that circular thinking. Guilt, anger, hurt, frustration -- all lead to the downward spiral or at best -- the 'dog chasing its tail' circle. Learning to put events in the past, forgive self and others and  look for the positives can be difficult. The goal is to develop more positive moments than negative and hopefully, more good days than not so good.

A song that speaks to the idea of moving out of the past to live in the moment is shared here today. It is a very poetic lyric. The music is a bit more complex than many of the more formulaic songs this singer often performs (and that is not a negative as I find many of those great). Enjoy!

Let It Go -- Tim McGraw

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