Monday, 20 February 2017

Day 4 - 51 -- Being a Hermit

Today involved hiding myself away to work on exam grading and lecture preparation. It was grey outside with some flakes in the air at times, but nothing too much staying on the ground. There is to be a bit of freezing rain tonight, but not enough to make much difference, either. I hope to continue the grading of the last of the exam and then work on some of the items on the long long list for Reading Week, many with deadlines of early next week.

Listening to the wind outside seems strange, since it sounds like a storm yet none was in the offing according to forecasters. I haven't seen anyone or spoken to anyone today. It feels like I'm trying to cloister myself to get the work completed. Acting like a hermit for now, but have to see people tomorrow to get what is needed to finish grading. So much of the past week has been spent holed up inside the house, due to the nasty storms and work closures to facilitate snow cleanup. It can be very isolating.

I mangled a lyric to make it fit my situation today -- just to hide myself away. The melody can relax along with the wonderful vocals. The lyrics made me smile when I realized I'd altered them while working away today. Enjoy!

You've Got to Hide Your Love Away -- The Beatles

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