Friday, 17 February 2017

Day 4 - 48 -- Holding onto the Positive

Today was the end of a very long week. The snow fell most of the day again -- so about 40 cm (15 in) that drifted badly with the wind was followed by 15 cm (6 in) and then by about 7 cm (~ 3 in) and then the 5 cm (2 in) that fell during the day today. All of this fell on top of the few centimetres that had fallen with ice pellets and such in the other storms last week. Suffice it to say there is a lot of snow out there and more shoveling to do tomorrow. My dream is a day without the need to move snow around.

Reading Week begins next week, so no classes will happen. This will allow time to catch up on grading midterms and assignments as well as prepare lectures and activities for the final 6 weeks of the term. That should be enough time, but having missed a week (3 classes) from 2 courses and 2 classes from a third course, we will likely have to judiciously edit content to get through the key points by the end of the term. During the week, I'd like to take a couple of days to do me things. I'm not sure this plan always comes to fruition, but I am planning nonetheless. It is fun to think that there is time in the offing to do something.

The song lines that came to mind today were from a television series theme. These lyrics speak to the need to keep believing and continue the positive thinking. Enjoy!

Where my Heart will Take Me -- Russell Watson

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