Sunday, 19 February 2017

day 4 - 50 -- Feeling Music

The day brought a lot of sun and above freezing temps. Huge icicles dropped from the back eaves. I chose to push the final snow out of the end of the driveway. It was heavy snow, but a smaller area so it seemed manageable, though it still took about an hour to finish. I'm hoping the forecast is correct and there is little snow expected in the next week. I have several errands to get to and it is easier with a car since many are not close to home but out on the outskirts of town. When not shoveling, I was grading exams -- I just want these all done so I can focus on something else.

The day brought some somber moments -- it is the birthday of a departed family member today. I was surprised by tears a couple of times. All those firsts can sneak up on you. It is part of the process but one that brings pain along with good memories. Working through the many emotions takes time and effort. Shoveling has helped with some of that this week as has music.

The song shared today has lyrics that outline the power of music. This is how I see and feel music. It flows through me -- something that can help me relax or feel the emotions that need to be felt. The group is one that has featured here before -- one with great harmonies. Enjoy!

I Let the Music Speak -- ABBA

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