Saturday, 23 December 2017

Day 4 - 357 -- Seasonal Greetings

It has been a busy but productive day -- doing housework, errands and Christmas decorating. I'm pleased to say the stockings are hung -- in this case from the buffet in absence of fireplace mantel. Two batches of cookies baked -- they seem a bit larger than usual, which must be why there are fewer in number <smile>. Ginger snaps and fruit spice cookies called 'rocks' -- ones mom made every year. Mine spread more, so will need to add more flour to the mix next time. Walked out to Main street to the drug store this afternoon. It was cloudy, but warmer than yesterday. It is now raining, with temperatures to remain above freezing into tomorrow, too.

While baking and listening to Christmas tunes, I found myself thinking of how people feel at the holidays. Some are super excited, just as children often are. Others accept the craziness and move along with the flow, though they understand that one doesn't have to bake dozens of different cookies and cakes and such to enjoy the season. Still others find the time of year accentuates the burdens carried throughout the year. Whether this stems from unpleasant memories of the holidays or missing the way holidays had been spent in the past, getting through the few weeks of festivities can be excessively challenging. I saw all of these faces walking on Main Street today. A smile was gifted to each of them. The season seems to expect only happy, joyful people. Not fitting that mold must add to the less happy feelings.

The lyrics of a traditional carol struck me as a greeting given. To me it sounds more like a wish for all to find moments of happiness and comfort. The version shared here today is a non-traditional take on a traditional song. It made me smile and I hope it does the same for you. Enjoy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen -- Pentatonix

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