Monday, 18 December 2017

Day 4 - 351 -- Feeling Giddy

A day late getting this typed and up. I graded until the pile was done yesterday -- finishing abut 1 AM with another 1.5 hours of grade calculation. So, I had a huge case of grading brain and the need to sleep by the time it was over. My big break was a trip to the great outdoors to push snow. It was very cold and I did come in after 5 minutes to put on the bigger winter mittens. The wind was biting and even those mitts had my fingers very,very cold by the time I finished. This lasted about 20 minutes since the snow was very light due to the colder temperature and there was only 3-4 inches on the ground.

I'll admit to being a bit giddy when I finished the grading as well as finishing the first snow moving of the season. So the song that went through my head was a bit odd -- well the song isn't odd so much as the  version I had in my head was odd. I'm sure I felt a bit like Beaker does at the end of this one. <grin> Enjoy!

Carol of the Bells -- The Muppets (Beaker, Swedish Chef and Animal)

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